Meeting of Trustees held on Monday 02 October 2023
In the Community Hall
Doug McIntosh (chair), Ian Wilkinson (vice-chair), Tony Ensom (secretary), Kathy Talbot (treasurer), Jill Ensom, Gwyneth Beynon, Tracy Beynon, , Julie Burgess, Mark Taylor and Cliff Williams.
Sian Beynon, Amanda Cresswell, Jenny Oliver and. Jill Thomas.
The minutes of the meeting held on 04 September 2023, which had been circulated previously, were agreed and signed by Doug.
Treasurer’s Report:
The following report from Kathy had been circulated before the meeting:
The bank balance at end September was £10745 and £462 cash. So we are maintaining a stable level of reserve. During September we paid £223 for 75 new posts for the repair to allotment fencing. With the Christmas Fair scarcely a month away we are already receiving payment for tables. Expenditure on the Halloween event is not expected to be high. We will not charge for entry but encourage donations for refreshments and the hot dogs.
We have purchased a second 'Sum Up' receiver which is now in use. We've also set up a 'Just Giving' account for donations and this can be reached via the Website etc. We can continue to publicise our charitable status and hopefully attract some donations.
Halloween Event (28 November) 2023:
The following report from Kathy had been circulated before the meeting:
Tracy, Jenny and I have had further meetings. We've identified the areas/events where volunteers will be needed and these are listed here. The timing is 16.00 to 19.00 and the following are not exact. Provided the weather is okay there will be a Spooky Saunter in the Park. The PCC's insurers have advised they're okay provided no more than 2000 attend and we do a risk assessment. Please give help in one or two areas and let's co-opt friends and family! When not involved in a specific activity be prepared to help where you can. All raffle prize donations will be gratefully received and loan of standard lamps to help with softening the lighting....and Fancy Dress is essential!!
We can confirm the details of exactly who's doing what and when at a pre-meeting; say one evening in the week before (16-20).
Saturday am
Decorate the hall – up and down
ladders etc. (everyone!)
Saturday pm
'Decorate' the Park ready for
Spooky Saunter (MT +++)
Cakes and savouries
Anyone who can bake
Saturday pm
Teas/coffees/hot dogs to cook
Sell raffle tickets (JB)
Saturday pm
Help with Spooky Saunter
(MT +++)
Saturday 1600 – 1900
Bar Rota (SB/TB/KT ++?)
Saturday 16.45-18.00
Serve hot dogs – about 17.30
Apple on a string
Pin spider on cobweb
Eat a doughnut etc. (KT.....)
Saturday 18.45
Ghost story
Wash up, clear up and take down
It was confirmed that, to date, 28 children and 23 adults had booked for the event. It was agreed that, in the event of bad weather on the day, all activities would be held in the hall.
It was agreed that a meeting to finalise details of the event will be held at 7.00 pm on Monday 09 the hall.
Christmas Fair (04 November 2023):
Gwyneth reported that all tables have now been booked.
Jubilee Park & Nature Trail:
Ian reported that “Keep Wales Tidy” had donated a number of items which would be used to create a pleasant wildflower area within the Park, new Information Boards are now in place and new up-dated Maps for the Park are in hand.
Tony confirmed that he had written to the Community Council asking for a donation towards the cost of the new Information Boards and Maps and Doug confirmed this was on the agenda for discussion at its next meeting.
Mark offered to donate some more bird boxes for the Park and Ian reported that he may have found a volunteer to monitor their use.
Hainey Moor:
Ian reported that, in 2016, the Association had agreed that PCC could install a drain to carry rainwater from the road onto Hainey Moor to resolve an issue with flooding. Now that further clearance work has taken place within Hainey Moor, the pipe now discharges into an open field which is causing the ground where trees are to be planted to be waterlogged. As EWCC was involved initially, the Clerk has requested PCC to extend the pipe to discharge into an existing watercourse further down the field. PCC’’s response suggested that it had misunderstood the request and Ian therefore asked Tony (on behalf of the Association) to organise a site visit with PCC, EWCC and the Association.
Julie reported that most boundary marker posts have now been replaced and, once the remainder are in place, wires would be fixed.
Community Hall:
Heating: Tracy reported that the software to the boiler controls had been up-graded at no cost. She was also arranging for the boiler to be serviced.
Damaged Manhole Cover: Doug and Tony confirmed they would be replacing the cover within the next few weeks.
Parking Spaces: Mark agreed to make a template for marking out parking spaces in front of the Hall.
Hall Bookings:
Tracy reported as follows:
Quiz Nights:
Quizmasters have been booked through until next February
Social Media:
Tracy had provided the information set out in the Appendix below.
Tracy also reported that the Woodland Trust has worksheets which can be downloaded to mobiles and she thought these would be useful for users of the Park. It was agreed these should be made available through social media.
Any Other Business:
Doug reported that, following the blanket 20 mph speed restriction recently brought into force, at its next meeting EWCC will probably be considering requesting PCC to impose a similar limit on the road through Cold Inn and between there and the traffic lights at Broadmoor which has a 40 mph limit at present. The trustees agreed that Tony should liaise with the Clerk to write a letter from the Association in support of this request.
Next Meeting:
The next meeting will be on Monday 02 October at 7.00 pm
September 2023
184 people visited the website in the last 30 days
405 pages viewed in the last 30 days
The most popular page this month is the Community Hall
Facebook page
Best post on Facebook – Well-being options at the hall, Yoga, Pilates and Gentle Gym
Facebook Group (Broadmoor, Cold Inn, East Williamston, Moreton, Pentlepoir and Wooden)
352 members
Best post in the group – Searching for a lost cat in Pentlepoir
Google - Jubilee Park and Nature Trail
206 interactions (likes etc.)
69 people clicked through to our website.
137 people searched for directions to the park.
Google - East Williamston Community Hall
37 profile interactions
5 people clicked through to our website.
32 people searched for directions to the hall.
Doug McIntosh (chair), Ian Wilkinson (vice-chair), Tony Ensom (secretary), Kathy Talbot (treasurer), Jill Ensom, Gwyneth Beynon, Tracy Beynon, , Julie Burgess, Mark Taylor and Cliff Williams.
Sian Beynon, Amanda Cresswell, Jenny Oliver and. Jill Thomas.
The minutes of the meeting held on 04 September 2023, which had been circulated previously, were agreed and signed by Doug.
Treasurer’s Report:
The following report from Kathy had been circulated before the meeting:
The bank balance at end September was £10745 and £462 cash. So we are maintaining a stable level of reserve. During September we paid £223 for 75 new posts for the repair to allotment fencing. With the Christmas Fair scarcely a month away we are already receiving payment for tables. Expenditure on the Halloween event is not expected to be high. We will not charge for entry but encourage donations for refreshments and the hot dogs.
We have purchased a second 'Sum Up' receiver which is now in use. We've also set up a 'Just Giving' account for donations and this can be reached via the Website etc. We can continue to publicise our charitable status and hopefully attract some donations.
Halloween Event (28 November) 2023:
The following report from Kathy had been circulated before the meeting:
Tracy, Jenny and I have had further meetings. We've identified the areas/events where volunteers will be needed and these are listed here. The timing is 16.00 to 19.00 and the following are not exact. Provided the weather is okay there will be a Spooky Saunter in the Park. The PCC's insurers have advised they're okay provided no more than 2000 attend and we do a risk assessment. Please give help in one or two areas and let's co-opt friends and family! When not involved in a specific activity be prepared to help where you can. All raffle prize donations will be gratefully received and loan of standard lamps to help with softening the lighting....and Fancy Dress is essential!!
We can confirm the details of exactly who's doing what and when at a pre-meeting; say one evening in the week before (16-20).
Saturday am
Decorate the hall – up and down
ladders etc. (everyone!)
Saturday pm
'Decorate' the Park ready for
Spooky Saunter (MT +++)
Cakes and savouries
Anyone who can bake
Saturday pm
Teas/coffees/hot dogs to cook
Sell raffle tickets (JB)
Saturday pm
Help with Spooky Saunter
(MT +++)
Saturday 1600 – 1900
Bar Rota (SB/TB/KT ++?)
Saturday 16.45-18.00
Serve hot dogs – about 17.30
Apple on a string
Pin spider on cobweb
Eat a doughnut etc. (KT.....)
Saturday 18.45
Ghost story
Wash up, clear up and take down
It was confirmed that, to date, 28 children and 23 adults had booked for the event. It was agreed that, in the event of bad weather on the day, all activities would be held in the hall.
It was agreed that a meeting to finalise details of the event will be held at 7.00 pm on Monday 09 the hall.
Christmas Fair (04 November 2023):
Gwyneth reported that all tables have now been booked.
Jubilee Park & Nature Trail:
Ian reported that “Keep Wales Tidy” had donated a number of items which would be used to create a pleasant wildflower area within the Park, new Information Boards are now in place and new up-dated Maps for the Park are in hand.
Tony confirmed that he had written to the Community Council asking for a donation towards the cost of the new Information Boards and Maps and Doug confirmed this was on the agenda for discussion at its next meeting.
Mark offered to donate some more bird boxes for the Park and Ian reported that he may have found a volunteer to monitor their use.
Hainey Moor:
Ian reported that, in 2016, the Association had agreed that PCC could install a drain to carry rainwater from the road onto Hainey Moor to resolve an issue with flooding. Now that further clearance work has taken place within Hainey Moor, the pipe now discharges into an open field which is causing the ground where trees are to be planted to be waterlogged. As EWCC was involved initially, the Clerk has requested PCC to extend the pipe to discharge into an existing watercourse further down the field. PCC’’s response suggested that it had misunderstood the request and Ian therefore asked Tony (on behalf of the Association) to organise a site visit with PCC, EWCC and the Association.
Julie reported that most boundary marker posts have now been replaced and, once the remainder are in place, wires would be fixed.
Community Hall:
Heating: Tracy reported that the software to the boiler controls had been up-graded at no cost. She was also arranging for the boiler to be serviced.
Damaged Manhole Cover: Doug and Tony confirmed they would be replacing the cover within the next few weeks.
Parking Spaces: Mark agreed to make a template for marking out parking spaces in front of the Hall.
Hall Bookings:
Tracy reported as follows:
- Since we advertised our reduced rate for children’s parties, we have had 5 new party bookings.
- Hatha Yoga is now a regular booking on a Tuesday morning from 9:30am – 10:30am
- Pilates Flow is now a regular booking on a Wednesday morning from 11:15 – 12:15.
- Our regular dance classes have started again after their summer break. They have also booked some extra weekend classes to prepare for competitions.
- We have a county bowls meeting on Friday 13th October.
- The Halloween party is booked on the 28th November.
- The Christmas fair is on the 4th November
Quiz Nights:
Quizmasters have been booked through until next February
Social Media:
Tracy had provided the information set out in the Appendix below.
Tracy also reported that the Woodland Trust has worksheets which can be downloaded to mobiles and she thought these would be useful for users of the Park. It was agreed these should be made available through social media.
Any Other Business:
Doug reported that, following the blanket 20 mph speed restriction recently brought into force, at its next meeting EWCC will probably be considering requesting PCC to impose a similar limit on the road through Cold Inn and between there and the traffic lights at Broadmoor which has a 40 mph limit at present. The trustees agreed that Tony should liaise with the Clerk to write a letter from the Association in support of this request.
Next Meeting:
The next meeting will be on Monday 02 October at 7.00 pm
September 2023
184 people visited the website in the last 30 days
405 pages viewed in the last 30 days
The most popular page this month is the Community Hall
Facebook page
Best post on Facebook – Well-being options at the hall, Yoga, Pilates and Gentle Gym
Facebook Group (Broadmoor, Cold Inn, East Williamston, Moreton, Pentlepoir and Wooden)
352 members
Best post in the group – Searching for a lost cat in Pentlepoir
Google - Jubilee Park and Nature Trail
206 interactions (likes etc.)
69 people clicked through to our website.
137 people searched for directions to the park.
Google - East Williamston Community Hall
37 profile interactions
5 people clicked through to our website.
32 people searched for directions to the hall.