Trustees meeting held on 6th November at 19.00
D. McIntosh (Chair), I. Wilkinson (Vice Chair), K. Talbot (Treasurer), S. Beynon,
G. Beynon, J. Thomas, J. Burgess, M. Taylor, M. Cresswell.
A. Ensom, J. Ensom, T. Beynon, J. Oliver, C.Williams
The minutes of the meeting held 2nd October were approved.
Treasurer's Report
The bank balance at end October is £9,976 and thus remains a healthy reserve. During the month we have paid for the parking signs for the hall and overflow car park and the caution concealed entrance signs for the allotments as well as filling the oil tank at 79.99p per litre. Our cash receipts have been well maintained by the Quiz and use of the bar as well as the regular hall bookings and stand at £326 with £835 paid into the bank. Let me know if you're owed any money. We can pay in cash or via the bank. Just photograph/scan any receipts and email them to me with reason for expense I can lose small things and forget the details!! For my part I'm relieved that the HSBC bank in Tenby will remain open until early 2024 at least, thus banking is fairly easy.
I am pleased to advise that Tracy is now authorised to use the on line banking, so we have three persons.
Tracy managed to sell the old till which put another £20 in the coffers. Our 'Just Giving' page has not yielded anything yet and it is evident that we need to promote the charitable status of the Association at all our events in order to encourage donations.
Our Halloween event was I believe a great social and promotional success, although not so good financially. Sadly the weather meant we had to cancel the Spooky Saunter – too much rain and mud but something we can keep in mind for the future. It was difficult to maintain control in the almost dark hall; the plan of games etc. going straight out the window although musical chairs was enjoyed by all. Not everyone understood that donations were expected for the hot dogs. One generous soul gave us a 1p!!! . Thank you to everyone who contributed their time, donated cakes and sweets and helped putting up the decorations and laying out the room. In cleaning up and taking down the Halloween decorations on the Sunday we took the opportunity to put up most of the Christmas decorations in time for the Christmas Fair. Thanks to a generous donation we were able to purchase gift cards as prizes and have one of £10 remaining as there were not as many competition entries as we hopee. We also had some generous gifts as raffle prizes;so many that we held a few back for quiz nights. We have 'goody bags' remaining and the 'fire' can be reconstructed! We made a small profit of £18 on event and the bar yielding some £170 gross but 'every little helps'!!.
At time of preparing this report we are holding the Christmas Fair on Saturday, 2 to 4 – although the weather may dampen our success! All the tables have been sold and we will look to make money from the donated soup and cakes. Please support this event.
Addition to report circulated
D.McIntosh expressed the committee's thanks to all who helped to make the Halloween event and with the Christmas decorations, including Greg and Gary.
The Christmas Fair was a success and after costs we earned £300 for the Hall. While this seems a great improvement on the yield from Halloween it is pointed out that all the cakes and soup which were sold on Saturday were contributed by a few, whereas to make Halloween a success it was necessary to buy sausanges, rolls, prizes, sweets etc. and decorations. Additionally we did not make clear the expected charge/donation for the hot dogs. I estimate that a simple dozen fairy cakes would cost between £2.50 to £3.00 to make and we must be sure not to rely on generosity of a few to make events financially beneficial.
No other events are planned before 2024 although there will be free mulled wine and mince pies at the Christmas Quiz on 9th December. We will buy the provisions but help will be needed to serve the wine and mince pies.
Jubilee Park and Nature Trail
Maintenance updated – the path to the ponds has suffered due to the heavy rain and requires repair. It was agreed that parts of the paths are very muddy but we have had exceptionally wet weather.
Jubilee Park Maps – this is in hand
Hainey Moor
As discussed at last meeting there is a need to extend the drainage pipe further down the field. A site visit will be arranged with PCC .
The trimming of the hedges is still to be done but the contractor had been called away to other work.
The 'Concealed Entrance' signs were ready and manpower is required to put them up. Doug, Ian and Julie could meet to agree location. It was hoped that planning permission from PCC was not required.
The tenant of allotments L1 and L2, Peter Phillips, had still not be able to bring them up to a reasonable standard. He has been written to twice and spoken with Doug. It was agreed to send a final letter advising him to give up one plot immediately and have the second in good order by 28th Feb 2024 or the tenancy would not be renewed.
Community Hall
Damaged man hole cover. Sian and Gwyneth had managed to effect some repair to the man hole cover but it was quickly damaged again by lorries delivering materials and heavy equipment to East House. It was agreed that a letter be sent to the owner of East House advising that delivery lorries were damaging the manhole, which is on private property, and asking that they pay for the repair. (The name of the owner is not known)
Parking place marking – in hand
Any other requirements
The toilets had now been repaired and Mark was thanked for his hard work.
Hall Bookings
There are no additional bookings before Christmas
Quiz Nights
There are quiz masters though to February 2024. Jenny and Gary – November
Cliff & Tim – December, Kathy – January.
Doug followed up on a request for a charity to hold a quiz in the Hall. It was agreed that as we now regularly had 9 or more tables occupied it would be best for a separate booking to be made indicating whether or not the bar was. Kathy to check with Kathy Strydom.
Social Media – to be provided by Tracy in due course. It was agreed that our presence on social media was bringing many people to our quiz nights and events.
Any Other Business
Kathy asked whether it was possible to loan two tables for a donation. This was agreed
There was a request from Redberth to publicise a community choir. This was agreed. It was also suggested that we consider having small advertisements on the webpage – for a fee – for local businesses such as those at the Craft fair with a disclaimer regarding responsibility for service/goods.
There is the ever present problem of storage and as it is agreed that to make room in the hall loft is impractical we will look to improve the storage available in the cupboards. It was agreed that extra shelving could be put up and the 'Bowls' store tidied to provide more space.Mark said he would check with a colleague. Kathy pointed out that the personal equipment left in the store was not insured.
Doug confirmed that letters had been sent to PCC regarding reducing the speed limit in Cold Inn to 20mph in line with East Williamston.
A spruce Christmas tree could be donated by Liz Hurley and Sue Quinn may also provide a second tree. It was agreed that ideally these should be in place by 2nd December prior to the Scouts 'sleepover' and Christmas quiz. Brenda is to be asked if she is willing to provide the electricity for an extended period.
Date of next meeting
The meeting finished at 8pm and the next meeting is Monday 4th December 7.00 pm
D. McIntosh (Chair), I. Wilkinson (Vice Chair), K. Talbot (Treasurer), S. Beynon,
G. Beynon, J. Thomas, J. Burgess, M. Taylor, M. Cresswell.
A. Ensom, J. Ensom, T. Beynon, J. Oliver, C.Williams
The minutes of the meeting held 2nd October were approved.
Treasurer's Report
The bank balance at end October is £9,976 and thus remains a healthy reserve. During the month we have paid for the parking signs for the hall and overflow car park and the caution concealed entrance signs for the allotments as well as filling the oil tank at 79.99p per litre. Our cash receipts have been well maintained by the Quiz and use of the bar as well as the regular hall bookings and stand at £326 with £835 paid into the bank. Let me know if you're owed any money. We can pay in cash or via the bank. Just photograph/scan any receipts and email them to me with reason for expense I can lose small things and forget the details!! For my part I'm relieved that the HSBC bank in Tenby will remain open until early 2024 at least, thus banking is fairly easy.
I am pleased to advise that Tracy is now authorised to use the on line banking, so we have three persons.
Tracy managed to sell the old till which put another £20 in the coffers. Our 'Just Giving' page has not yielded anything yet and it is evident that we need to promote the charitable status of the Association at all our events in order to encourage donations.
Our Halloween event was I believe a great social and promotional success, although not so good financially. Sadly the weather meant we had to cancel the Spooky Saunter – too much rain and mud but something we can keep in mind for the future. It was difficult to maintain control in the almost dark hall; the plan of games etc. going straight out the window although musical chairs was enjoyed by all. Not everyone understood that donations were expected for the hot dogs. One generous soul gave us a 1p!!! . Thank you to everyone who contributed their time, donated cakes and sweets and helped putting up the decorations and laying out the room. In cleaning up and taking down the Halloween decorations on the Sunday we took the opportunity to put up most of the Christmas decorations in time for the Christmas Fair. Thanks to a generous donation we were able to purchase gift cards as prizes and have one of £10 remaining as there were not as many competition entries as we hopee. We also had some generous gifts as raffle prizes;so many that we held a few back for quiz nights. We have 'goody bags' remaining and the 'fire' can be reconstructed! We made a small profit of £18 on event and the bar yielding some £170 gross but 'every little helps'!!.
At time of preparing this report we are holding the Christmas Fair on Saturday, 2 to 4 – although the weather may dampen our success! All the tables have been sold and we will look to make money from the donated soup and cakes. Please support this event.
Addition to report circulated
D.McIntosh expressed the committee's thanks to all who helped to make the Halloween event and with the Christmas decorations, including Greg and Gary.
The Christmas Fair was a success and after costs we earned £300 for the Hall. While this seems a great improvement on the yield from Halloween it is pointed out that all the cakes and soup which were sold on Saturday were contributed by a few, whereas to make Halloween a success it was necessary to buy sausanges, rolls, prizes, sweets etc. and decorations. Additionally we did not make clear the expected charge/donation for the hot dogs. I estimate that a simple dozen fairy cakes would cost between £2.50 to £3.00 to make and we must be sure not to rely on generosity of a few to make events financially beneficial.
No other events are planned before 2024 although there will be free mulled wine and mince pies at the Christmas Quiz on 9th December. We will buy the provisions but help will be needed to serve the wine and mince pies.
Jubilee Park and Nature Trail
Maintenance updated – the path to the ponds has suffered due to the heavy rain and requires repair. It was agreed that parts of the paths are very muddy but we have had exceptionally wet weather.
Jubilee Park Maps – this is in hand
Hainey Moor
As discussed at last meeting there is a need to extend the drainage pipe further down the field. A site visit will be arranged with PCC .
The trimming of the hedges is still to be done but the contractor had been called away to other work.
The 'Concealed Entrance' signs were ready and manpower is required to put them up. Doug, Ian and Julie could meet to agree location. It was hoped that planning permission from PCC was not required.
The tenant of allotments L1 and L2, Peter Phillips, had still not be able to bring them up to a reasonable standard. He has been written to twice and spoken with Doug. It was agreed to send a final letter advising him to give up one plot immediately and have the second in good order by 28th Feb 2024 or the tenancy would not be renewed.
Community Hall
Damaged man hole cover. Sian and Gwyneth had managed to effect some repair to the man hole cover but it was quickly damaged again by lorries delivering materials and heavy equipment to East House. It was agreed that a letter be sent to the owner of East House advising that delivery lorries were damaging the manhole, which is on private property, and asking that they pay for the repair. (The name of the owner is not known)
Parking place marking – in hand
Any other requirements
The toilets had now been repaired and Mark was thanked for his hard work.
Hall Bookings
There are no additional bookings before Christmas
Quiz Nights
There are quiz masters though to February 2024. Jenny and Gary – November
Cliff & Tim – December, Kathy – January.
Doug followed up on a request for a charity to hold a quiz in the Hall. It was agreed that as we now regularly had 9 or more tables occupied it would be best for a separate booking to be made indicating whether or not the bar was. Kathy to check with Kathy Strydom.
Social Media – to be provided by Tracy in due course. It was agreed that our presence on social media was bringing many people to our quiz nights and events.
Any Other Business
Kathy asked whether it was possible to loan two tables for a donation. This was agreed
There was a request from Redberth to publicise a community choir. This was agreed. It was also suggested that we consider having small advertisements on the webpage – for a fee – for local businesses such as those at the Craft fair with a disclaimer regarding responsibility for service/goods.
There is the ever present problem of storage and as it is agreed that to make room in the hall loft is impractical we will look to improve the storage available in the cupboards. It was agreed that extra shelving could be put up and the 'Bowls' store tidied to provide more space.Mark said he would check with a colleague. Kathy pointed out that the personal equipment left in the store was not insured.
Doug confirmed that letters had been sent to PCC regarding reducing the speed limit in Cold Inn to 20mph in line with East Williamston.
A spruce Christmas tree could be donated by Liz Hurley and Sue Quinn may also provide a second tree. It was agreed that ideally these should be in place by 2nd December prior to the Scouts 'sleepover' and Christmas quiz. Brenda is to be asked if she is willing to provide the electricity for an extended period.
Date of next meeting
The meeting finished at 8pm and the next meeting is Monday 4th December 7.00 pm