Meeting of Trustees held on Monday 04 March 2024 in the Community Hall
Doug McIntosh (chair), Ian Wilkinson (vice-chair), Tony Ensom (secretary), Kathy Talbot (treasurer), Jill Ensom, Amanda Cresswell, Gwyneth Beynon, Sian Beynon, Jenny Oliver, Mark Taylor and Jill Thomas.
Tracy Beynon, Julie Burgess and Cliff Williams.
The minutes of the meeting held on 05 February 2024, which had been circulated previously, were agreed and signed by Doug.
Treasurer’s Report:
The following report from Kathy had been circulated before the meeting:
This month has seen an increase in our bank balance. We have received the Bowls' rent of £322 as well as £92 refund from EDF for electricity. The allotment rents have largely been received, totalling £570, with only 3 remaining outstanding. Under the terms of the tenancy agreement, it is only terminated when the rent is 40 days in arrears, but a further reminder will be sent. Each reminder encourages the non-payer to get in touch, with Ian. Other income was received from the Pilates class and the Scouts overnight event.
The Quiz again was very beneficial and, as a result of the Jan. and Feb. events, we have transferred £1,210 from cash into the bank during the month. The balances are now £11,004 in the bank and £270 in cash. I keep a reasonable amount for use as floats etc. We are now able to pay in cheques, notes and coins at the Post Office – the demise of the banking service in Pembrokeshire makes this essential!
The following report from Kathy had been circulated before the meeting:
We have received the details of the insurance renewal for the Hall. This is prime insured item but also includes the Bowls equipment, the allotments and Hainey Moor. The details were received late on Friday, so I have not had the opportunity to query one or two items that have changed. However, we will need to generally confirm the contract at the meeting on 4thMarch as the renewal date is 31st March 2024
The total premium is £1,115.08, a 2.5% uplift on last year's premium.
Key features are:
Buildings cover £707,529
Contents £ 36,127
PA System £ 6,689
Bowls Equipment £ 12,399
Allotment shed and tools £ 1,320
The premium for the bowls equipment is £87.97.
The insurers recommend that the code for the key safe is changed monthly and that no more than 20 persons should have access to the code. It would be prudent to list those who do know the code.
The insurers are also asking for clarification on our solar panels and whether we are liable for any replacement, removal or disposal of the panels and batteries. What is the generating capacity of the panels?
The insurers require that boilers are annually inspected for health and safety regulations.
It's been my understanding that any bouncy castle used for children's parties are insured by the supplier, but we should check the details of the cover.
There may be other issues that occur when I have time to fully read through the documents. If anyone would like to receive the detailed documents, please let me know.
It was agreed that the key code will be changed in May and November each year.
Doug agreed to let Kathy have details of the solar panels.
It was agreed to add the bowls roller to the PAC testing requirements.
Kathy said she thought that past events had been successful because they were linked to national events and that it would be difficult to attract people to an event without this link.
Tracy is investigating an Easter Bingo evening on 30 March.
Jubilee Park & Nature Trail:
Ian reported that the annual cut and coppice work would be continuing until the end of March.
Tracy had agreed to produce up-dated maps digitally but is awaiting details of what is required.
Doug reported that the information board on the common was now in very poor condition and suggested that this is replaced in conjunction with the maps with a grant. Kathy agreed to investigate whether a grant could be obtained under the Enhancing Pembrokeshire scheme.
Ian reported that one plot is now vacant. He reminded trustees that the aim was generally to have only one plot per person. However, one of the existing tenants (whose plot is particularly well kept) has asked to have the vacant plot. It was agreed to advertise for a new tenant but that, if nobody applied with 14 days, it would be let to the existing tenant.
Community Hall:
Gwyneth reported:
Hall Bookings:
Gwyneth reported that the Bella Voce choir has booked the hall for practice sessions on 08 and 27 March. She had also received an enquiry form a table tennis club but, as there is no space in the hall to store their tables, this was declined.
It was agreed to hold the Association’s AGM this year on Monday 03 June at 8.00 pm following the committee meeting earlier at 7.00 pm.
Any Other Business:
Kathy invited ideas for information to be added to the community information boards.
Next Meeting:
The next meeting will be on Monday 08 April 2024 at 7.00 pm
Doug McIntosh (chair), Ian Wilkinson (vice-chair), Tony Ensom (secretary), Kathy Talbot (treasurer), Jill Ensom, Amanda Cresswell, Gwyneth Beynon, Sian Beynon, Jenny Oliver, Mark Taylor and Jill Thomas.
Tracy Beynon, Julie Burgess and Cliff Williams.
The minutes of the meeting held on 05 February 2024, which had been circulated previously, were agreed and signed by Doug.
Treasurer’s Report:
The following report from Kathy had been circulated before the meeting:
This month has seen an increase in our bank balance. We have received the Bowls' rent of £322 as well as £92 refund from EDF for electricity. The allotment rents have largely been received, totalling £570, with only 3 remaining outstanding. Under the terms of the tenancy agreement, it is only terminated when the rent is 40 days in arrears, but a further reminder will be sent. Each reminder encourages the non-payer to get in touch, with Ian. Other income was received from the Pilates class and the Scouts overnight event.
The Quiz again was very beneficial and, as a result of the Jan. and Feb. events, we have transferred £1,210 from cash into the bank during the month. The balances are now £11,004 in the bank and £270 in cash. I keep a reasonable amount for use as floats etc. We are now able to pay in cheques, notes and coins at the Post Office – the demise of the banking service in Pembrokeshire makes this essential!
The following report from Kathy had been circulated before the meeting:
We have received the details of the insurance renewal for the Hall. This is prime insured item but also includes the Bowls equipment, the allotments and Hainey Moor. The details were received late on Friday, so I have not had the opportunity to query one or two items that have changed. However, we will need to generally confirm the contract at the meeting on 4thMarch as the renewal date is 31st March 2024
The total premium is £1,115.08, a 2.5% uplift on last year's premium.
Key features are:
Buildings cover £707,529
Contents £ 36,127
PA System £ 6,689
Bowls Equipment £ 12,399
Allotment shed and tools £ 1,320
The premium for the bowls equipment is £87.97.
The insurers recommend that the code for the key safe is changed monthly and that no more than 20 persons should have access to the code. It would be prudent to list those who do know the code.
The insurers are also asking for clarification on our solar panels and whether we are liable for any replacement, removal or disposal of the panels and batteries. What is the generating capacity of the panels?
The insurers require that boilers are annually inspected for health and safety regulations.
It's been my understanding that any bouncy castle used for children's parties are insured by the supplier, but we should check the details of the cover.
There may be other issues that occur when I have time to fully read through the documents. If anyone would like to receive the detailed documents, please let me know.
It was agreed that the key code will be changed in May and November each year.
Doug agreed to let Kathy have details of the solar panels.
It was agreed to add the bowls roller to the PAC testing requirements.
Kathy said she thought that past events had been successful because they were linked to national events and that it would be difficult to attract people to an event without this link.
Tracy is investigating an Easter Bingo evening on 30 March.
Jubilee Park & Nature Trail:
Ian reported that the annual cut and coppice work would be continuing until the end of March.
Tracy had agreed to produce up-dated maps digitally but is awaiting details of what is required.
Doug reported that the information board on the common was now in very poor condition and suggested that this is replaced in conjunction with the maps with a grant. Kathy agreed to investigate whether a grant could be obtained under the Enhancing Pembrokeshire scheme.
Ian reported that one plot is now vacant. He reminded trustees that the aim was generally to have only one plot per person. However, one of the existing tenants (whose plot is particularly well kept) has asked to have the vacant plot. It was agreed to advertise for a new tenant but that, if nobody applied with 14 days, it would be let to the existing tenant.
Community Hall:
Gwyneth reported:
- that she has arranged for a plumber to investigate the flushing system in the men’s toilet which is not working properly,
- that she had dealt with the lock to the main door which would not turn, and
- that she was having difficulty contacting OCON regarding inspecting the fire extinguishers. Kathy agreed to assist.
Hall Bookings:
Gwyneth reported that the Bella Voce choir has booked the hall for practice sessions on 08 and 27 March. She had also received an enquiry form a table tennis club but, as there is no space in the hall to store their tables, this was declined.
It was agreed to hold the Association’s AGM this year on Monday 03 June at 8.00 pm following the committee meeting earlier at 7.00 pm.
Any Other Business:
Kathy invited ideas for information to be added to the community information boards.
Next Meeting:
The next meeting will be on Monday 08 April 2024 at 7.00 pm