Meeting of Trustees held on Monday 05 June 2023
In the Community Hall
Doug McIntosh (chair), Ian Wilkinson (vice-chair), Tony Ensom (secretary), Kathy Talbot (treasurer), Gwyneth Beynon, Sian Beynon, Tracy Beynon, Julie Burgess, Amanda Cresswell, Jill Ensom, Jenny Oliver, Mark Taylor, Jill Thomas and Cliff Williams.
The minutes of the meeting held on 02 May 2023, which had been circulated previously, were agreed and signed by Doug.
Treasurer’s Report:
The following report from Kathy had been circulated before the meeting:
Following from the AGM and the consideration of the balances at end 2022, the current balance at the bank is £10,058 and £704 is cash as
the takings for May quiz and hall bookings are not yet banked. While the balances are a comfort for the future of the hall, our regular income/expenditure means we are just break even (i.e. our income just about matches our outgoings) and without events such as the Coronation Celebration we will eventually erode our reserves. I'd like to suggest a small group of us meet to review ways in which we can control costs as well as increase the use and income of the hall.
We continue to pay our electricity account by direct debit, at £59 per month and are £236 in credit with EDF. The company's next review is not planned until August and I will investigate to see if our monthly payment can be reduced at all without prejudicing the costs in the winter.
The Coronation event was undoubtedly a great success – with a lot of hard work and generous donations! The attached is a summary of the income and expenditure. A donation for the tea/coffee and a scone was certainly successful as were the raffle, with excellent prizes donated, and the BBQ. Thanks to Mark for the mushrooms – doubly successful; as a treasure hunt and for sale afterwards. The cakes, all of which were donated, were also good – some of the children really enjoyed them!! Bar takings too were on a par with the Jubilee event last year and overall we took £1,565 although it must be remembered that the bar takings, at £884, are gross. The Jubilee event gave an income of £1278 (with gross bar takings) If it were possible to run a summer party each year it would be good, for both the community and our finances and perhaps we can meet sometime to discuss the good and the bad and what we can do better!
The equipment purchased under the Enhancing Pembrokeshire grant has all been delivered and the shed has been erected. Our claim for £900 under the grant has been submitted to PCC and payment received.
Our licence for the Performing Rights Society is due for renewal at approx. £138. It's based on turnover, so until I send them the 2022 accounts I cannot confirm the figure. We can therefore continue to have both live and taped music legally!
I clean forgot to pay the honoraria to the officers of the Association at the start of the year. This I've now put right!
There was agreement that, as proposed in paragraph 1 of Kathy’s report, a small group of trustees should meet to review ways in which the Association can control costs as well as increase the use and income of the hall in order not to regularly erode reserves and to ensure the long term financial health of the Association. It was agreed that Kathy should lead the group with Tracy Beynon, Jenny Oliver and Mark Taylor.
Jubilee Park & Nature Trail:
Ian reported that work had been carried out in the last month to clear undergrowth in “Graham’s Wood”. Kathy agreed to produce and post notices around the Park and on Facebook seeking volunteers to assist with its maintenance. Ian reported that the Community Council has commenced work to extend the car parking area on the Common.
Tracy reported that Signspeed has been instructed to produce the new Notice Boards for the Park. Kathy will now pay Lynne Gilley the agreed sum of £480.00 for the artwork and will co-ordinate with Tony who will produce a letter to her confirming the terms of the payment.
Julie reported that one plot has become vacant. She also reported that a two plots let to one person are being partly neglected. The plot- holder had been reminded in writing previously that he is required to properly maintain the plot and Kathy was requested to write to him in stronger terms.
Community Hall:
Gwyneth reported that problems with operations of the controls for the heating system were continuing. Doug reported that he had contacted the heating engineer and had arranged to meet him within the next few weeks to attempt to resolve the problem.
She also reported that there appears to be a problem with the drains and it was agreed this needs to be investigated. She thanked Doug and Ian for clearing rubbish behind the hall.
Hall Bookings:
Sian reported that the Rock Project no longer required hire of the hall. She also reported that a booking had been made for 10 July for
defibrillator training.
Quiz Nights:
Tracy reported that quizmasters have been booked through until the end of the year.
Social Media:
Tracy provided the information set out in the Appendix below.
Coronation Event:
It was agreed that the event had been well organised a great success. Consideration of a similar event in the future would be discussed by
the group set up to consider the future finances of the Association.
Other Business:
Hall Bookings – Sian stated that she wished to step down from her role in organising hall bookings. The trustees expressed their thanks
for all that Sian had done during her 23 years in this role. Tracy volunteered to take over as bookings clerk.
Community Notice Boards - Kathy reported that the notice boards are untidy and to some extent out-of-date. She volunteered to reorganise them with laminated copies of relevant information.
Laptop Computer – Tracy reported that the Community Council needs a laptop computer to operate in conjunction with the new
television, etc. which it had purchased for the committee room. As the Council intends that it should be available to the Association in the
same way as the other equipment, it was agreed that the association should share the cost (£149.99) equally with the Council.
“Together for Change” – Kathy reported that she had received an invitation to take part in a meeting organised by this forum and would
take part as she considered it may be useful to the Association.
Jubilee Park Map – It had been reported that the maps showing the paths in the Park need up-dating. It was agreed that as further paths
are being opened up, any revisions will be delayed for the time being.
Next Meeting:
The next meeting will be on Monday 03 July at 7.00
1. During the meeting three members of the public who had arrived late for the AGM earlier in the evening were invited to stay to observe
the meeting.
2. During the meeting Cherry Evans of PAVS attended to present to the Association a certificate confirming its registration with the
Alzheimer’s Society as a Dementia Friendly venue and two mats for the entrance hall.
Social Media Report
May 4th – June 4th 2023
Jubilee Park and Nature Trail
194 interactions (likes etc.)
94 people searched for directions to the park
East Williamston Community Hall
44 profile interactions
3 people clicked through to our website
41 people searched for directions to the hall
Facebook Page – East Williamston Community and Hall Association
Page reach in the last 28 days – 903 people
With a post engagement of 604
In total we have 303 followers
Our best performing post all year was the post with images of the hall ready for the
coronation party this year. That reached 980 people.
Facebook Group – Broadmoor, Cold Inn, East Williamston, Moreton,
Pentlepoir and Wooden
The group was first published on February 7 th this year. Since then we have posted 206 posts
to the group with 170 Comments and 815 reactions. We currently have 259 members.
Anyone can post or ask questions on the group, which they can’t do on the page. We can also
use the poll function to gather information on member’s opinions. We have had a lot of
comments about too many sales and advertising posts, so we are not approving as many as
we used to.
Unique visits – 171 people visited the website ion the last 30 days
Page views – 381 pages viewed in the last 30 days
Average pages per visit – 2.37 pages per visit
Most popular page – Jubilee Park
Doug McIntosh (chair), Ian Wilkinson (vice-chair), Tony Ensom (secretary), Kathy Talbot (treasurer), Gwyneth Beynon, Sian Beynon, Tracy Beynon, Julie Burgess, Amanda Cresswell, Jill Ensom, Jenny Oliver, Mark Taylor, Jill Thomas and Cliff Williams.
The minutes of the meeting held on 02 May 2023, which had been circulated previously, were agreed and signed by Doug.
Treasurer’s Report:
The following report from Kathy had been circulated before the meeting:
Following from the AGM and the consideration of the balances at end 2022, the current balance at the bank is £10,058 and £704 is cash as
the takings for May quiz and hall bookings are not yet banked. While the balances are a comfort for the future of the hall, our regular income/expenditure means we are just break even (i.e. our income just about matches our outgoings) and without events such as the Coronation Celebration we will eventually erode our reserves. I'd like to suggest a small group of us meet to review ways in which we can control costs as well as increase the use and income of the hall.
We continue to pay our electricity account by direct debit, at £59 per month and are £236 in credit with EDF. The company's next review is not planned until August and I will investigate to see if our monthly payment can be reduced at all without prejudicing the costs in the winter.
The Coronation event was undoubtedly a great success – with a lot of hard work and generous donations! The attached is a summary of the income and expenditure. A donation for the tea/coffee and a scone was certainly successful as were the raffle, with excellent prizes donated, and the BBQ. Thanks to Mark for the mushrooms – doubly successful; as a treasure hunt and for sale afterwards. The cakes, all of which were donated, were also good – some of the children really enjoyed them!! Bar takings too were on a par with the Jubilee event last year and overall we took £1,565 although it must be remembered that the bar takings, at £884, are gross. The Jubilee event gave an income of £1278 (with gross bar takings) If it were possible to run a summer party each year it would be good, for both the community and our finances and perhaps we can meet sometime to discuss the good and the bad and what we can do better!
The equipment purchased under the Enhancing Pembrokeshire grant has all been delivered and the shed has been erected. Our claim for £900 under the grant has been submitted to PCC and payment received.
Our licence for the Performing Rights Society is due for renewal at approx. £138. It's based on turnover, so until I send them the 2022 accounts I cannot confirm the figure. We can therefore continue to have both live and taped music legally!
I clean forgot to pay the honoraria to the officers of the Association at the start of the year. This I've now put right!
There was agreement that, as proposed in paragraph 1 of Kathy’s report, a small group of trustees should meet to review ways in which the Association can control costs as well as increase the use and income of the hall in order not to regularly erode reserves and to ensure the long term financial health of the Association. It was agreed that Kathy should lead the group with Tracy Beynon, Jenny Oliver and Mark Taylor.
Jubilee Park & Nature Trail:
Ian reported that work had been carried out in the last month to clear undergrowth in “Graham’s Wood”. Kathy agreed to produce and post notices around the Park and on Facebook seeking volunteers to assist with its maintenance. Ian reported that the Community Council has commenced work to extend the car parking area on the Common.
Tracy reported that Signspeed has been instructed to produce the new Notice Boards for the Park. Kathy will now pay Lynne Gilley the agreed sum of £480.00 for the artwork and will co-ordinate with Tony who will produce a letter to her confirming the terms of the payment.
Julie reported that one plot has become vacant. She also reported that a two plots let to one person are being partly neglected. The plot- holder had been reminded in writing previously that he is required to properly maintain the plot and Kathy was requested to write to him in stronger terms.
Community Hall:
Gwyneth reported that problems with operations of the controls for the heating system were continuing. Doug reported that he had contacted the heating engineer and had arranged to meet him within the next few weeks to attempt to resolve the problem.
She also reported that there appears to be a problem with the drains and it was agreed this needs to be investigated. She thanked Doug and Ian for clearing rubbish behind the hall.
Hall Bookings:
Sian reported that the Rock Project no longer required hire of the hall. She also reported that a booking had been made for 10 July for
defibrillator training.
Quiz Nights:
Tracy reported that quizmasters have been booked through until the end of the year.
Social Media:
Tracy provided the information set out in the Appendix below.
Coronation Event:
It was agreed that the event had been well organised a great success. Consideration of a similar event in the future would be discussed by
the group set up to consider the future finances of the Association.
Other Business:
Hall Bookings – Sian stated that she wished to step down from her role in organising hall bookings. The trustees expressed their thanks
for all that Sian had done during her 23 years in this role. Tracy volunteered to take over as bookings clerk.
Community Notice Boards - Kathy reported that the notice boards are untidy and to some extent out-of-date. She volunteered to reorganise them with laminated copies of relevant information.
Laptop Computer – Tracy reported that the Community Council needs a laptop computer to operate in conjunction with the new
television, etc. which it had purchased for the committee room. As the Council intends that it should be available to the Association in the
same way as the other equipment, it was agreed that the association should share the cost (£149.99) equally with the Council.
“Together for Change” – Kathy reported that she had received an invitation to take part in a meeting organised by this forum and would
take part as she considered it may be useful to the Association.
Jubilee Park Map – It had been reported that the maps showing the paths in the Park need up-dating. It was agreed that as further paths
are being opened up, any revisions will be delayed for the time being.
Next Meeting:
The next meeting will be on Monday 03 July at 7.00
1. During the meeting three members of the public who had arrived late for the AGM earlier in the evening were invited to stay to observe
the meeting.
2. During the meeting Cherry Evans of PAVS attended to present to the Association a certificate confirming its registration with the
Alzheimer’s Society as a Dementia Friendly venue and two mats for the entrance hall.
Social Media Report
May 4th – June 4th 2023
Jubilee Park and Nature Trail
194 interactions (likes etc.)
94 people searched for directions to the park
East Williamston Community Hall
44 profile interactions
3 people clicked through to our website
41 people searched for directions to the hall
Facebook Page – East Williamston Community and Hall Association
Page reach in the last 28 days – 903 people
With a post engagement of 604
In total we have 303 followers
Our best performing post all year was the post with images of the hall ready for the
coronation party this year. That reached 980 people.
Facebook Group – Broadmoor, Cold Inn, East Williamston, Moreton,
Pentlepoir and Wooden
The group was first published on February 7 th this year. Since then we have posted 206 posts
to the group with 170 Comments and 815 reactions. We currently have 259 members.
Anyone can post or ask questions on the group, which they can’t do on the page. We can also
use the poll function to gather information on member’s opinions. We have had a lot of
comments about too many sales and advertising posts, so we are not approving as many as
we used to.
Unique visits – 171 people visited the website ion the last 30 days
Page views – 381 pages viewed in the last 30 days
Average pages per visit – 2.37 pages per visit
Most popular page – Jubilee Park