Meeting of Trustees held on Monday 08 January 2024 in the Community Hall
Doug McIntosh (chair), Ian Wilkinson (vice-chair), Tony Ensom (secretary), Kathy Talbot (treasurer), Jill Ensom, Amanda Cresswell, Gwyneth Beynon, Sian Beynon, Mark Taylor and Cliff Williams.
Tracy Beynon, Julie Burgess, Jenny Oliver and Jill Thomas.
The minutes of the meeting held on 04 December 2023, which had been circulated previously, were agreed and signed by Doug.
Treasurer’s Report:
The following report from Kathy had been circulated before the meeting:
I have started to draft up the accounts for the Association for £2023 which I will complete and circulate to you next week. At the end of 2023 our reconciled bank balance stands at £10606.50 with £590 in cash. The overall cost of running the Hall in 2023 was £12,292. Our gross income was £12,998. We are therefore maintaining our reserves.
In 2023 we had a grant through PCC's Enhancing Pembrokeshire scheme which largely covered the cost of tools and equipment for use in the Allotments. Applications to Enhancing Pembrokeshire were again invited for 2023/24 from November 2023. For the allotments we have also spent £288 on new notice boards and £223 for maintenance work. We have installed some fine signs in the East Williamston Community Jubilee Park at a total cost of £1026.
The celebration event for the Coronation of Charles III was particularly successful with an overall gross income of £1278 (bar income is shown gross). Each event we have run has been successful both financially and in drawing new audiences to the Hall. The provision of a bar is undoubtedly an attraction and the gross bar income in 2023 was £4,311 against costs of £2,340.
May we look forward to a similarly successful year in 2024. Our regular bookings of Short Mat Bowls, Pilates, and Gentle Gym give regular income and any events we plan should provide the extra income to allow us to carry out projects or purchase equipment to maintain the quality of the Association's assets.
At the meeting, Kathy reported she had received invoices for £326 in respect of hedge cutting and £168 for renewal of the website licence. The trustees agreed that these should be paid.
It was agreed to carry out a bar stocktake.
Kathy reported that she had received 48 bottles of tonic water from her nephew which she will donate to give away at the bar.
A beer and wine tasting evening will be arranged later in the year.
Jubilee Park & Nature Trail:
Ian reported that little work had been possible during the last few weeks due to the saturated ground conditions. However, it was hoped to carry out strimming before the snowdrops flower and Pembroke College have been doing some hedge laying.
Ian reported that hedge cutting has now been completed. One plot has been vacated but re-let, so all plots are let. One owner who has not kept his plot well maintained is unwell and it was therefore agreed to delay any action until rents are renewed in March.
It was agreed that owners will be advised in March that rents may be reviewed in arch 2025.
Community Hall:
Damaged Manhole Cover: Doug and Tony agreed to replace the cover.
Hall Bookings:
No new bookings have been reported.
Quiz Nights:
Quizmasters have been booked for much of the year.
Any Other Business:
Doug thanked all who had assisted with putting up and taking down the Christmas decorations. Tony was asked to write to Liz Hurley and Brenda Davies to thank them respectively for donating the Christmas trees and the use of electricity for the lights.
Doug reported that he and Pete Strydom had taken part in a walk with the local PCSOs in support of the White Ribbon Campaign. He will arrange for our local PCSO, Ffion Thomas, to introduce herself to the trustees in the Spring.
Next Meeting:
The next meeting will be on Monday 05 February 2024 at 7.00 pm
Doug McIntosh (chair), Ian Wilkinson (vice-chair), Tony Ensom (secretary), Kathy Talbot (treasurer), Jill Ensom, Amanda Cresswell, Gwyneth Beynon, Sian Beynon, Mark Taylor and Cliff Williams.
Tracy Beynon, Julie Burgess, Jenny Oliver and Jill Thomas.
The minutes of the meeting held on 04 December 2023, which had been circulated previously, were agreed and signed by Doug.
Treasurer’s Report:
The following report from Kathy had been circulated before the meeting:
I have started to draft up the accounts for the Association for £2023 which I will complete and circulate to you next week. At the end of 2023 our reconciled bank balance stands at £10606.50 with £590 in cash. The overall cost of running the Hall in 2023 was £12,292. Our gross income was £12,998. We are therefore maintaining our reserves.
In 2023 we had a grant through PCC's Enhancing Pembrokeshire scheme which largely covered the cost of tools and equipment for use in the Allotments. Applications to Enhancing Pembrokeshire were again invited for 2023/24 from November 2023. For the allotments we have also spent £288 on new notice boards and £223 for maintenance work. We have installed some fine signs in the East Williamston Community Jubilee Park at a total cost of £1026.
The celebration event for the Coronation of Charles III was particularly successful with an overall gross income of £1278 (bar income is shown gross). Each event we have run has been successful both financially and in drawing new audiences to the Hall. The provision of a bar is undoubtedly an attraction and the gross bar income in 2023 was £4,311 against costs of £2,340.
May we look forward to a similarly successful year in 2024. Our regular bookings of Short Mat Bowls, Pilates, and Gentle Gym give regular income and any events we plan should provide the extra income to allow us to carry out projects or purchase equipment to maintain the quality of the Association's assets.
At the meeting, Kathy reported she had received invoices for £326 in respect of hedge cutting and £168 for renewal of the website licence. The trustees agreed that these should be paid.
It was agreed to carry out a bar stocktake.
Kathy reported that she had received 48 bottles of tonic water from her nephew which she will donate to give away at the bar.
A beer and wine tasting evening will be arranged later in the year.
Jubilee Park & Nature Trail:
Ian reported that little work had been possible during the last few weeks due to the saturated ground conditions. However, it was hoped to carry out strimming before the snowdrops flower and Pembroke College have been doing some hedge laying.
Ian reported that hedge cutting has now been completed. One plot has been vacated but re-let, so all plots are let. One owner who has not kept his plot well maintained is unwell and it was therefore agreed to delay any action until rents are renewed in March.
It was agreed that owners will be advised in March that rents may be reviewed in arch 2025.
Community Hall:
Damaged Manhole Cover: Doug and Tony agreed to replace the cover.
Hall Bookings:
No new bookings have been reported.
Quiz Nights:
Quizmasters have been booked for much of the year.
Any Other Business:
Doug thanked all who had assisted with putting up and taking down the Christmas decorations. Tony was asked to write to Liz Hurley and Brenda Davies to thank them respectively for donating the Christmas trees and the use of electricity for the lights.
Doug reported that he and Pete Strydom had taken part in a walk with the local PCSOs in support of the White Ribbon Campaign. He will arrange for our local PCSO, Ffion Thomas, to introduce herself to the trustees in the Spring.
Next Meeting:
The next meeting will be on Monday 05 February 2024 at 7.00 pm