Meeting of Trustees held on Monday 4 December 2023 in the Community Hall
Doug McIntosh (chair), Ian Wilkinson (vice-chair), Tony Ensom (secretary), Kathy Talbot (treasurer), Jill Ensom, Amanda Cresswell, Gwyneth Beynon, Sian Beynon, Tracy Beynon, , Julie Burgess, Mark Taylor and Jill Thomas.
Jenny Oliver and Cliff Williams.
The minutes of the meeting held on 06 November 2023, which had been circulated previously, were agreed and signed by Doug.
Treasurer’s Report:
The following report from Kathy had been circulated before the meeting:
After the excitement and activity of November and early December with two excellent and well attended events, it has been a quiet month financially and the net of our income over expenditure was £145.45, giving a closing balance in the bank of £10,069. We also have receive much in cash over the last couple of months and I have £1,018 most of which I will be banking this coming week.
Our regular income continues to come from the Pilates class and the Bowls team. The November quiz gave us an income of £348, plus what was taken on the card machine and numbers of teams continues to grow.
As pointed out at the last meeting the Christmas Fair earned £300 for the Hall, but this was largely due to the generosity of those who donated raffle prizes, cakes and soup whereas we had to buy much of the food, prizes and decorations for Halloween.
In January (if I remember!) we give Honoraria to the 'Officers' of the Association. As the cost of proving paper, printing ink, as well as postage and other items continue to increase I suggest we should review these amounts and reimburse exceptional items. I will review whether it will work sending the allotment tenancy agreements and invoices by email to save postage.
The events in 2023 had proved to be successful. Plans for events in 2024 will be considered in the New Year.
Jubilee Park & Nature Trail:
Ian reported that work had started to install the items donated by Keep Wales Tidy but that this could not be completed until the weather improved. Also that the Christmas trees in the village will be put up this week.
Tracy reported that replacement Jubilee Park maps are in progress.
Hainey Moor:
Doug reported that he and Ian had met Rob Evans, PCC’s Highways Infrastructure Manager, and it had been agreed that PCC will supply pipework, etc. so that the Association can extend outfall from the road drain to a nearby watercourse. This work will have to be postponed until the Spring.
Ian reported that hedge cutting had been delayed due to the contractor’s illness but he would chase him up.
Community Hall:
Damaged Manhole Cover: It was decided that there was insufficient evidence to make a claim against the owner of East House and that the cover should now be replaced.
Marking Out Parking Spaces: Ongoing
Storage: Space has been created in the bowls Club cupboard foruse for the hall.
Hall Bookings:
Tracy reported that the scouts had enjoyed their sleepover in the hall and would be booking another one in the Spring and that the Church had booked a Coffee Morning on 27 January.
It was reported that inconsiderate parking by parents of children in the Dance Classes had led to the road being blocked and the school bus being unable to pass. Tracy agreed to ask the leader to inform the parents of the issue and request them to avoid blocking the road.
Quiz Nights:
Quizmasters have been booked through until next April.
The December quiz will be preceded at 7.00 pm by carols round the Christmas tree followed by mince pies and punch.
Kathy reported that Guide Dogs for the Blind will come back to us about using the Hall for a fund raising quiz. This will be separate from ours and she will liaise with them in the New Year.
Social Media:
Tracy had provided the information set out in the Appendix below.
Any Other Business:
The following events were noted:
Next Meeting:
The next meeting will be on Monday 08 January 2024 at 7.00 pm
89 people visited the website ion the last 30 days
208 pages viewed in the last 30 days
Most popular page this month again is the Community Hall
Facebook page
Best post on Facebook – Christmas craft fair post
Facebook group –
Broadmoor, Cold Inn, East Williamston, Moreton, Pentlepoir and Wooden – 407 members
Best post in the group – request for recommendations for a plumber
Google - Jubilee Park and Nature Trail
89 interactions (likes etc.)
17 people clicked through to our website.
72 people searched for directions to the park.
Google - East Williamston Community Hall
53 profile interactions
8 people clicked through to our website.
44 people searched for directions to the hall.
Doug McIntosh (chair), Ian Wilkinson (vice-chair), Tony Ensom (secretary), Kathy Talbot (treasurer), Jill Ensom, Amanda Cresswell, Gwyneth Beynon, Sian Beynon, Tracy Beynon, , Julie Burgess, Mark Taylor and Jill Thomas.
Jenny Oliver and Cliff Williams.
The minutes of the meeting held on 06 November 2023, which had been circulated previously, were agreed and signed by Doug.
Treasurer’s Report:
The following report from Kathy had been circulated before the meeting:
After the excitement and activity of November and early December with two excellent and well attended events, it has been a quiet month financially and the net of our income over expenditure was £145.45, giving a closing balance in the bank of £10,069. We also have receive much in cash over the last couple of months and I have £1,018 most of which I will be banking this coming week.
Our regular income continues to come from the Pilates class and the Bowls team. The November quiz gave us an income of £348, plus what was taken on the card machine and numbers of teams continues to grow.
As pointed out at the last meeting the Christmas Fair earned £300 for the Hall, but this was largely due to the generosity of those who donated raffle prizes, cakes and soup whereas we had to buy much of the food, prizes and decorations for Halloween.
In January (if I remember!) we give Honoraria to the 'Officers' of the Association. As the cost of proving paper, printing ink, as well as postage and other items continue to increase I suggest we should review these amounts and reimburse exceptional items. I will review whether it will work sending the allotment tenancy agreements and invoices by email to save postage.
The events in 2023 had proved to be successful. Plans for events in 2024 will be considered in the New Year.
Jubilee Park & Nature Trail:
Ian reported that work had started to install the items donated by Keep Wales Tidy but that this could not be completed until the weather improved. Also that the Christmas trees in the village will be put up this week.
Tracy reported that replacement Jubilee Park maps are in progress.
Hainey Moor:
Doug reported that he and Ian had met Rob Evans, PCC’s Highways Infrastructure Manager, and it had been agreed that PCC will supply pipework, etc. so that the Association can extend outfall from the road drain to a nearby watercourse. This work will have to be postponed until the Spring.
Ian reported that hedge cutting had been delayed due to the contractor’s illness but he would chase him up.
Community Hall:
Damaged Manhole Cover: It was decided that there was insufficient evidence to make a claim against the owner of East House and that the cover should now be replaced.
Marking Out Parking Spaces: Ongoing
Storage: Space has been created in the bowls Club cupboard foruse for the hall.
Hall Bookings:
Tracy reported that the scouts had enjoyed their sleepover in the hall and would be booking another one in the Spring and that the Church had booked a Coffee Morning on 27 January.
It was reported that inconsiderate parking by parents of children in the Dance Classes had led to the road being blocked and the school bus being unable to pass. Tracy agreed to ask the leader to inform the parents of the issue and request them to avoid blocking the road.
Quiz Nights:
Quizmasters have been booked through until next April.
The December quiz will be preceded at 7.00 pm by carols round the Christmas tree followed by mince pies and punch.
Kathy reported that Guide Dogs for the Blind will come back to us about using the Hall for a fund raising quiz. This will be separate from ours and she will liaise with them in the New Year.
Social Media:
Tracy had provided the information set out in the Appendix below.
Any Other Business:
The following events were noted:
- Wednesday 06 December – “Keep Well, Keep Moving” in Cosheston Hall from 10.00 am until 4.00 pm.
- Thursday 07 December – Following a meeting with the local PCSO, Doug and Pete Strydom will be taking part in a walk to support the White Ribbon Campaign.
- Sunday 17 December – Carols by Candlelight in the Church at 6.00 pm
Next Meeting:
The next meeting will be on Monday 08 January 2024 at 7.00 pm
89 people visited the website ion the last 30 days
208 pages viewed in the last 30 days
Most popular page this month again is the Community Hall
Facebook page
Best post on Facebook – Christmas craft fair post
Facebook group –
Broadmoor, Cold Inn, East Williamston, Moreton, Pentlepoir and Wooden – 407 members
Best post in the group – request for recommendations for a plumber
Google - Jubilee Park and Nature Trail
89 interactions (likes etc.)
17 people clicked through to our website.
72 people searched for directions to the park.
Google - East Williamston Community Hall
53 profile interactions
8 people clicked through to our website.
44 people searched for directions to the hall.