Meeting of Trustees held on
Monday 7th August 2023 in the Community Hall
Doug McIntosh (chair), Tony Ensom (secretary), Kathy Talbot (treasurer), Jill Ensom, Gwyneth Beynon, Tracy Beynon, Julie Burgess, Jenny Oliver, Mark Taylor, Jill Thomas and Cliff Williams.
Sian Beynon, Amanda Cresswell and Ian Wilkinson
The minutes of the meeting held on 03 July 2023, which had been circulated previously, were agreed and signed by Doug.
Treasurer’s Report:
The following report from Kathy had been circulated before the meeting:
Our closing balance at the bank was £10,612.93 and £526 in cash. I have banked £580 of our cash takings, but it's not easy to get into Tenby this time of the year. Luckily HSBC Bank is still open with no indication of closure.
Tony has managed a good negotiation of the Plusnet account for the coming year at £25.99 per month. We have ordered an updated router.
The matter of the damp and blocked drain continues although the drains have been checked thoroughly by Prowaste. This cost of £180.00. The usage of water for the last six months is 14cu m compared with 23cu m in the preceding six months. There therefore is no evidence of leakage.
Two of the allotment tenants have surrendered their plots as it was proving impossible for them to keep them to a proper standard. We have let two of the vacant plots leaving one currently available. A refund was made for one plot.
EDF is our electricity supplier and they have advised that our direct debit will be increased to £66 per month. Our usage over the last couple of years has increased slightly. How can we determine the benefit of the solar panels to our usage?
Tony explained that the new router had gone missing in the post but he did not intend to report this to Royal Mail (a complex process!) as there was no charge for the router and the existing one would be satisfactory for the new fibre service.
Doug agreed to provide information on the amount of electricity which had been obtained from the solar panels.
EWC&HA Forward Planning:
Kathy reported that a Halloween Event is being organised for Saturday 28thOctober. There will be a charge to cover the cost of food which will be limited to hot dogs. The evening is intended to provide entertainment and activities for all age groups. Suggestions were made including a pumpkin carving competition, a “scary walk in the Park”, mask-making, etc.
Other possible future events were also suggested including a cheese and wine evening which Julie will investigate and a theatrical performance which Tracy will follow up.
A Rugby World Cup event is planned for September which will be coordinated by Doug and Mark.
Kathy also reported that posters/flyers advertising the availability of the Hall for hire have been produced and distributed and that the search for someone to assist with the bar and the painting of parking bay lines outside the Hall were in hand.
Jubilee Park & Nature Trail:
Doug reported that the Community Council’s contractor is doing a good job in the Park and that there have been many positive comments from visitors regarding the state of the Park.
He also reported that investigations are in hand to find the cause of the wet section of the top path at the western end of the Park and that additional drainage will be created in this area when path maintenance is carried out in the autumn.
Doug reported that the necessary backing boards and frame for the new Information Boards would cost approximately £140 and that they should be in place within the next few weeks.
Tracy agreed to obtain a price from Signspeed for producing up-dated Maps of the Park.
It was agreed that the secretary should write to the Community Council asking for a donation towards the cost of the new Information Boards and Maps. It was also suggested that an appeal via Just Giving might not only raise some money but perhaps result in further volunteers to assist with maintain the Park.
Julie reported that.
Community Hall:
Doug reported that he had a meeting with the heating engineer (who will be retiring shortly) in an attempt to resolve the problem with the heating controls. As a result direct contact has now been established with the manufacturer, Navien, and Tracy reported they had advised that the installed thermostat was intended for domestic use and that an appropriate model would be supplied to replace it.
It was agreed that the dampness in the toilet requires further investigation.
It was noted that the fence behind the Hall has still to be fixed.
The purchase a new laptop is in hand.
It was noted that the manhole cover over the disused cess pit in the car parking area at the front of the Hall had been damaged. Doug and Tony agreed to investigate whether the cover should be replaced or the access permanently sealed.
Hall Bookings:
Tracy reported that Pilates classes will continue on Wednesday mornings in August with a possibility this would be extended throughout the winter. She also reported bookings for birthday parties on 5th and 26th August and for a talk on 30th August.
Quiz Nights:
Tracy reported that quizmasters have been booked through until the end of the year.
Social Media:
Tracy provided the information set out in the Appendix below.
Any Other Business:
It was agreed that a message of thanks from the Trustees to the volunteers involved in maintenance of the Park should be published on Facebook.
Next Meeting:
The next meeting will be on Monday 4th September at 7.00 pm
APPENDIX 1 - Social Media Report July 4th – August 5th 2023
Jubilee Park and Nature Trail
209 interactions (likes etc.)
87 people clicked through to our website
122 people searched for directions to the park
East Williamston Community Hall
77 profile interactions
11 people clicked through to our website
65 people searched for directions to the hall
Facebook Page – East Williamston Community and Hall Association
Page reach in the last 28 days – 903 people
With a post engagement of 238
In total we have 321 followers
Our best performing post was the post last Saturday re the children parties in the hall. That reached 213 people. With 33 engagements.
Facebook Group – Broadmoor, Cold Inn, East Williamston, Moreton, Pentlepoir and Wooden
In total we have 325 members
In the last 28 days:
49 people have made 41 posts or comments on our posts.
2745 people have viewed posts in the group
Our most popular days are Mondays between 9 and 10pm
The most popular post is still the one from last month with the images of the Victorian Tea.
Unique visits – 174 people visited the website ion the last 30 days
Page views – 374 pages viewed in the last 30 days
Average pages per visit – 2.1 pages per visit
Doug McIntosh (chair), Tony Ensom (secretary), Kathy Talbot (treasurer), Jill Ensom, Gwyneth Beynon, Tracy Beynon, Julie Burgess, Jenny Oliver, Mark Taylor, Jill Thomas and Cliff Williams.
Sian Beynon, Amanda Cresswell and Ian Wilkinson
The minutes of the meeting held on 03 July 2023, which had been circulated previously, were agreed and signed by Doug.
Treasurer’s Report:
The following report from Kathy had been circulated before the meeting:
Our closing balance at the bank was £10,612.93 and £526 in cash. I have banked £580 of our cash takings, but it's not easy to get into Tenby this time of the year. Luckily HSBC Bank is still open with no indication of closure.
Tony has managed a good negotiation of the Plusnet account for the coming year at £25.99 per month. We have ordered an updated router.
The matter of the damp and blocked drain continues although the drains have been checked thoroughly by Prowaste. This cost of £180.00. The usage of water for the last six months is 14cu m compared with 23cu m in the preceding six months. There therefore is no evidence of leakage.
Two of the allotment tenants have surrendered their plots as it was proving impossible for them to keep them to a proper standard. We have let two of the vacant plots leaving one currently available. A refund was made for one plot.
EDF is our electricity supplier and they have advised that our direct debit will be increased to £66 per month. Our usage over the last couple of years has increased slightly. How can we determine the benefit of the solar panels to our usage?
Tony explained that the new router had gone missing in the post but he did not intend to report this to Royal Mail (a complex process!) as there was no charge for the router and the existing one would be satisfactory for the new fibre service.
Doug agreed to provide information on the amount of electricity which had been obtained from the solar panels.
EWC&HA Forward Planning:
Kathy reported that a Halloween Event is being organised for Saturday 28thOctober. There will be a charge to cover the cost of food which will be limited to hot dogs. The evening is intended to provide entertainment and activities for all age groups. Suggestions were made including a pumpkin carving competition, a “scary walk in the Park”, mask-making, etc.
Other possible future events were also suggested including a cheese and wine evening which Julie will investigate and a theatrical performance which Tracy will follow up.
A Rugby World Cup event is planned for September which will be coordinated by Doug and Mark.
Kathy also reported that posters/flyers advertising the availability of the Hall for hire have been produced and distributed and that the search for someone to assist with the bar and the painting of parking bay lines outside the Hall were in hand.
Jubilee Park & Nature Trail:
Doug reported that the Community Council’s contractor is doing a good job in the Park and that there have been many positive comments from visitors regarding the state of the Park.
He also reported that investigations are in hand to find the cause of the wet section of the top path at the western end of the Park and that additional drainage will be created in this area when path maintenance is carried out in the autumn.
Doug reported that the necessary backing boards and frame for the new Information Boards would cost approximately £140 and that they should be in place within the next few weeks.
Tracy agreed to obtain a price from Signspeed for producing up-dated Maps of the Park.
It was agreed that the secretary should write to the Community Council asking for a donation towards the cost of the new Information Boards and Maps. It was also suggested that an appeal via Just Giving might not only raise some money but perhaps result in further volunteers to assist with maintain the Park.
Julie reported that.
- three plots have been re-let and that all were in good condition,
- one plot is vacant but someone is interested in renting it,
- one of the allotment holders has offered two IPC tanks with pallets which will be installed in the allotments,
- new traffic notice boards are in hand,
- new posts have been purchased which she hoped could be installed either later this month or by early September.
Community Hall:
Doug reported that he had a meeting with the heating engineer (who will be retiring shortly) in an attempt to resolve the problem with the heating controls. As a result direct contact has now been established with the manufacturer, Navien, and Tracy reported they had advised that the installed thermostat was intended for domestic use and that an appropriate model would be supplied to replace it.
It was agreed that the dampness in the toilet requires further investigation.
It was noted that the fence behind the Hall has still to be fixed.
The purchase a new laptop is in hand.
It was noted that the manhole cover over the disused cess pit in the car parking area at the front of the Hall had been damaged. Doug and Tony agreed to investigate whether the cover should be replaced or the access permanently sealed.
Hall Bookings:
Tracy reported that Pilates classes will continue on Wednesday mornings in August with a possibility this would be extended throughout the winter. She also reported bookings for birthday parties on 5th and 26th August and for a talk on 30th August.
Quiz Nights:
Tracy reported that quizmasters have been booked through until the end of the year.
Social Media:
Tracy provided the information set out in the Appendix below.
Any Other Business:
It was agreed that a message of thanks from the Trustees to the volunteers involved in maintenance of the Park should be published on Facebook.
Next Meeting:
The next meeting will be on Monday 4th September at 7.00 pm
APPENDIX 1 - Social Media Report July 4th – August 5th 2023
Jubilee Park and Nature Trail
209 interactions (likes etc.)
87 people clicked through to our website
122 people searched for directions to the park
East Williamston Community Hall
77 profile interactions
11 people clicked through to our website
65 people searched for directions to the hall
Facebook Page – East Williamston Community and Hall Association
Page reach in the last 28 days – 903 people
With a post engagement of 238
In total we have 321 followers
Our best performing post was the post last Saturday re the children parties in the hall. That reached 213 people. With 33 engagements.
Facebook Group – Broadmoor, Cold Inn, East Williamston, Moreton, Pentlepoir and Wooden
In total we have 325 members
In the last 28 days:
49 people have made 41 posts or comments on our posts.
2745 people have viewed posts in the group
Our most popular days are Mondays between 9 and 10pm
The most popular post is still the one from last month with the images of the Victorian Tea.
Unique visits – 174 people visited the website ion the last 30 days
Page views – 374 pages viewed in the last 30 days
Average pages per visit – 2.1 pages per visit