The trustees hereby give notice that the Annual general meeting of the East Williamston Community And Hall Association
Will be held at 7.00 p.m. on Monday 5th June 2023 at
East Williamston Community Hall SA70 8RT
Following the formal business there will be an open forum for discussion about any matters concerning the Community, the Community Hall and the Jubilee Park and Nature Trail.
- Apologies
- In Attendance
- To approve the minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 9th May 2022.
- To receive and approve the Association’s accounts for 2022
- To receive the Trustees’ Report
- To re-appoint Gwyneth Beynon, Sian Beynon, Amanda Cresswell and Tracy Beynon as trustees.
- To confirm the appointment as trustees of Julie Burgess and Jenny Oliver who were appointed by the trustees since the last AGM.
Following the formal business there will be an open forum for discussion about any matters concerning the Community, the Community Hall and the Jubilee Park and Nature Trail.
Click on the titles below to open the papers for the meeting.
2022 AGM Minutes
Charity Number 1168964
Held on Monday 9th May 2022 at 7.00 pm
Members Present:
Gwyneth Beynon, Amanda Cresswell, Jill Ensom, Tony Ensom, Chris Gilley, Doug McIntosh, Jennie McIntosh, Kathy Talbot, Mark Taylor and Jill Thomas.
Sian Beynon, Tracy Beynon, Ian Wilkinson, Cliff Williams.
The minutes of the AGM held on 6th September 2021 had been circulated to members before the meeting. On a proposal by Kathy Talbot which was seconded by Jill Ensom, they were approved by the members.
The annual statement of accounts of the Association for the year 2020 and a report by the treasurer had been circulated to members before the meeting. On a proposal by Tony Ensom which was seconded by Gwyneth Beynon, they were formally received by and approved by the members and are attached to these minutes.
Trustees’ Report:
The annual report of the trustees prepared on their behalf by Doug McIntosh had been circulated to members prior the meeting. It was formally received by members and is attached to these minutes.
Election of Trustees:
The following trustees retired in rotation in accordance with clause 13(1)(b) of the Association’s constitution but put themselves forward to serve again and, on a proposal by Jill Thomas which was seconded by Mark Taylor, they were re-appointed by the members:
Jill Ensom
Tony Ensom
Doug McIntosh
Kathy Talbot
The meeting closed at 7.07 pm
Charity Number 1168964
Held on Monday 9th May 2022 at 7.00 pm
Members Present:
Gwyneth Beynon, Amanda Cresswell, Jill Ensom, Tony Ensom, Chris Gilley, Doug McIntosh, Jennie McIntosh, Kathy Talbot, Mark Taylor and Jill Thomas.
Sian Beynon, Tracy Beynon, Ian Wilkinson, Cliff Williams.
The minutes of the AGM held on 6th September 2021 had been circulated to members before the meeting. On a proposal by Kathy Talbot which was seconded by Jill Ensom, they were approved by the members.
The annual statement of accounts of the Association for the year 2020 and a report by the treasurer had been circulated to members before the meeting. On a proposal by Tony Ensom which was seconded by Gwyneth Beynon, they were formally received by and approved by the members and are attached to these minutes.
Trustees’ Report:
The annual report of the trustees prepared on their behalf by Doug McIntosh had been circulated to members prior the meeting. It was formally received by members and is attached to these minutes.
Election of Trustees:
The following trustees retired in rotation in accordance with clause 13(1)(b) of the Association’s constitution but put themselves forward to serve again and, on a proposal by Jill Thomas which was seconded by Mark Taylor, they were re-appointed by the members:
Jill Ensom
Tony Ensom
Doug McIntosh
Kathy Talbot
The meeting closed at 7.07 pm
2022-2023 Accounts
Treasurers Annual Report
East Williamston Community and Hall Association
At the start of 2022 we had a healthy bank balance of over £18,000. During the year we completed the transfer to the Charities Aid Foundation bank. This enabled us to have on-line banking, a necessary tool these days. We switched electricity suppliers from SSE to EDF as they offered a better rate. We were able to agree a reasonable rate before the charges took off and this is fixed until January 2025. Our most regular income is from two sources. Firstly the successful Short Mat Bowls team, who meet twice a week in the hall and secondly from the monthly quiz. In 2022 we also started a Bingo evening, which we hope to revive in the summer this year. Our gross takings at the bar were over £6000 – we review our prices at the bar to ensure we maintain a reasonable margin while continuing to offer good value. The allotments are fully taken, and income remains stable; we charge just £30 per full plot.
Our on-going regular costs include a salary for Hall management and our other two large outgoings are oil for heating and insurance. The Jubilee Park costs are largely met by the East Williamston Community Council who lease the land. The costs for maintaining the land the Association owns at 'Hainey Moor' (towards Cold Inn) are kept to a minimum.
During the year we have refurbished the hall floor, a specialist task costing over £3000 and which we expect to last for at least another 20 plus years. We also replaced the heating boiler and the cooker in the hall kitchen. We were able to sell the old gas cooker. The interior and exterior of the hall have also been redecorated.
On a glorious sunny day we held a celebration for Queen Elizabeth II's Jubilee. The format was simple, tea and coffee with scone and cake in the afternoon and a BBQ in the evening. This was very successful, with an income of over £600 excluding bar takings. It is a format we repeated this May for Charles III's coronation with similar success.
The hall now provides free WIFI to users and we have a Performing Rights licence also. In 2023, with the provision of a television by East Williamston Community Council, we have renewed our television licence – all with a view to making the Hall attractive to many many more.
In conclusion, without the on-off expenditure of £8,153 of investment in hall refurbishment, we would show an excess of expenditure over income of £432, so while our reserves stand at £9,993, we will continue working to maximise the use and benefit of the hall for the community.
At the start of 2022 we had a healthy bank balance of over £18,000. During the year we completed the transfer to the Charities Aid Foundation bank. This enabled us to have on-line banking, a necessary tool these days. We switched electricity suppliers from SSE to EDF as they offered a better rate. We were able to agree a reasonable rate before the charges took off and this is fixed until January 2025. Our most regular income is from two sources. Firstly the successful Short Mat Bowls team, who meet twice a week in the hall and secondly from the monthly quiz. In 2022 we also started a Bingo evening, which we hope to revive in the summer this year. Our gross takings at the bar were over £6000 – we review our prices at the bar to ensure we maintain a reasonable margin while continuing to offer good value. The allotments are fully taken, and income remains stable; we charge just £30 per full plot.
Our on-going regular costs include a salary for Hall management and our other two large outgoings are oil for heating and insurance. The Jubilee Park costs are largely met by the East Williamston Community Council who lease the land. The costs for maintaining the land the Association owns at 'Hainey Moor' (towards Cold Inn) are kept to a minimum.
During the year we have refurbished the hall floor, a specialist task costing over £3000 and which we expect to last for at least another 20 plus years. We also replaced the heating boiler and the cooker in the hall kitchen. We were able to sell the old gas cooker. The interior and exterior of the hall have also been redecorated.
On a glorious sunny day we held a celebration for Queen Elizabeth II's Jubilee. The format was simple, tea and coffee with scone and cake in the afternoon and a BBQ in the evening. This was very successful, with an income of over £600 excluding bar takings. It is a format we repeated this May for Charles III's coronation with similar success.
The hall now provides free WIFI to users and we have a Performing Rights licence also. In 2023, with the provision of a television by East Williamston Community Council, we have renewed our television licence – all with a view to making the Hall attractive to many many more.
In conclusion, without the on-off expenditure of £8,153 of investment in hall refurbishment, we would show an excess of expenditure over income of £432, so while our reserves stand at £9,993, we will continue working to maximise the use and benefit of the hall for the community.
Trustees report 2022
East Williamston Community and Hall Association
Charity No: 1168964
AGM: 5th. June 2023
Trustees’ Report
Prepared on behalf of the Board of the Trustees by Doug McIntosh (Chair) - This report records the Association’s activities during the period since date of its previous AGM in May 2022.
In the Trustees’ Report for 2020 it was recorded that the Association was then enjoying its 20th year of service to the community. Plans were being made to celebrate this milestone in some suitable manner throughout the summer in conjunction with a celebration of the 75th anniversary of VE Day. However, sadly, all these plans had to be abandoned as the Covid 19 pandemic took hold. However, with the relaxation of Covid restrictions in Wales, the Association was able, during the past year, to enjoy the celebration of two major national events, namely the commemoration of the Platinum Jubilee of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and the Coronation of His Majesty, King Charles III. A small working group of Trustees has dedicated its time towards organising these events which have proved to be a highlight of the East Williamston Community calendar. The Board wishes to thank East Williamston Community Council for its financial support of the Coronation Party.
On behalf of said community I would like to record my thanks to my fellow Trustees for all their hard work and dedication to the aims of the Association throughout the last year. As a result of all their efforts the Association’s assets, such as the Community Hall and Jubilee Park, have been kept in impeccable order and their use, to the benefit of the community, has been maximised.
I would also wish to express the gratitude of the Association for the continuing support of its ‘clients’ - those who use and enjoy its facilities, whether residents of East Williamston or welcome visitors to the East Williamston community.
As the scope of the Association’s activity has broadened significantly over its life so, too, the load placed upon the Board of Trustees increases. I have, therefore, been delighted to welcome two new trustees to the board during this period, bringing it up, for the first time, to its full permitted quota. The Board continues to encourage anyone interested in joining this community-centred charity to contact it with a view to participating in what is hoped they would find to be an interesting and rewarding opportunity to bring their own ideas and experience to the Association. A wide range of volunteering opportunities are available in support of both the Community Hall and Jubilee Park.
One development resulting from the recent conversion of the Association to a CIO is that its constitution now allows EW Community Council to put forward one of its members for co-option as an Association trustee. It is believed that this merging of interest could help forge a closer, beneficial link to the Council which does, after all, share many of the Association’s aims and aspirations for the community of East Williamston. Whilst this option was not exercised last year it is hope that future councils may view it favourably.
Coming out of Covid the Association embarked upon an extensive programme of hall improvements and repairs, as listed in last year’s report. In this period, to complete the planned upgrade the following work was carried out:
However, the installation of additional roof-space insulation remains a live project and the Board is seeking grant aid for this capital expense. A more convenient loft access system is also being designed.
Dementia Awareness - following a very thought-provoking presentation to the Board on the symptoms suffered by dementia sufferers trying to lead a normal life the Association registered with the Alzheimer’s Society and has committed to carrying out a programme of measures to make the Community Hall ‘dementia friendly’.
Defibrillator – the Association continues to ‘host’ one of the Community Council’s defibrillators and it has been agreed that it would be timely to organise refresher courses in their use. These sessions will be arranged by EWCC and the Board and held in the hall during the early part of the next annual session.
Hiring - At the conclusion of yet another year during which Trustees worked very hard to rejuvenate the level of hall hiring it can be reported that bookings are back to pre-Covid levels with several new hirers now patronising the hall. The ever-popular quizzes are strongly supported, and the bar is operating as normal.
A stronger rota system has been established to assist with running of the bar and a card reader has been purchased to make sales/accounting simpler.
EWCC has funded the installation of a ‘smart’ TV in bar with webcam and remote microphone which will enable the holding of remote or hybrid council meetings. This system is equally available for use by the Association and a TV licence has been obtained to allow maximum use of this facility.
Jubilee Park & Nature Trail
The Association continues to work in close co-operation with its tenant, East Williamston Community Council on the maintenance and development of the park and the Board can report:
Again, the Board wishes to recognise the vital assistance of East Williamston Community Council which continues to make available an annual grant of £2,000 for the contracting out of maintenance activities which prove to be too onerous for the volunteer group.
In conclusion - The Association has, to some extent, become the victim of its own success. The rapid development of Jubilee Park, Community Allotments and Hall always threatens to outstrip its ability to manage them from existing volunteer resources. Additional active membership is still urgently needed – particularly from the younger end of the age profile!
As always, the Board thanks the Association’s many supporters, volunteers, and helpers for their keen interest and dedicated support through the year and hopes and trusts that it can be relied upon in the future.
‘Nous Servons’
Signed for and on behalf of East Williamston Community & Hall Association by:
Doug McIntosh
Chair, Board of Trustees - EWC&HA
Date: 5th June 2023
Charity No: 1168964
AGM: 5th. June 2023
Trustees’ Report
Prepared on behalf of the Board of the Trustees by Doug McIntosh (Chair) - This report records the Association’s activities during the period since date of its previous AGM in May 2022.
In the Trustees’ Report for 2020 it was recorded that the Association was then enjoying its 20th year of service to the community. Plans were being made to celebrate this milestone in some suitable manner throughout the summer in conjunction with a celebration of the 75th anniversary of VE Day. However, sadly, all these plans had to be abandoned as the Covid 19 pandemic took hold. However, with the relaxation of Covid restrictions in Wales, the Association was able, during the past year, to enjoy the celebration of two major national events, namely the commemoration of the Platinum Jubilee of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II and the Coronation of His Majesty, King Charles III. A small working group of Trustees has dedicated its time towards organising these events which have proved to be a highlight of the East Williamston Community calendar. The Board wishes to thank East Williamston Community Council for its financial support of the Coronation Party.
On behalf of said community I would like to record my thanks to my fellow Trustees for all their hard work and dedication to the aims of the Association throughout the last year. As a result of all their efforts the Association’s assets, such as the Community Hall and Jubilee Park, have been kept in impeccable order and their use, to the benefit of the community, has been maximised.
I would also wish to express the gratitude of the Association for the continuing support of its ‘clients’ - those who use and enjoy its facilities, whether residents of East Williamston or welcome visitors to the East Williamston community.
As the scope of the Association’s activity has broadened significantly over its life so, too, the load placed upon the Board of Trustees increases. I have, therefore, been delighted to welcome two new trustees to the board during this period, bringing it up, for the first time, to its full permitted quota. The Board continues to encourage anyone interested in joining this community-centred charity to contact it with a view to participating in what is hoped they would find to be an interesting and rewarding opportunity to bring their own ideas and experience to the Association. A wide range of volunteering opportunities are available in support of both the Community Hall and Jubilee Park.
One development resulting from the recent conversion of the Association to a CIO is that its constitution now allows EW Community Council to put forward one of its members for co-option as an Association trustee. It is believed that this merging of interest could help forge a closer, beneficial link to the Council which does, after all, share many of the Association’s aims and aspirations for the community of East Williamston. Whilst this option was not exercised last year it is hope that future councils may view it favourably.
Coming out of Covid the Association embarked upon an extensive programme of hall improvements and repairs, as listed in last year’s report. In this period, to complete the planned upgrade the following work was carried out:
- The interior was redecorated throughout.
- The toilet flushing system was automated to save water wastage.
- Fitting of destratification fans in main hall.
- Installation of a ‘battery’ to store PV (solar generated) power.
However, the installation of additional roof-space insulation remains a live project and the Board is seeking grant aid for this capital expense. A more convenient loft access system is also being designed.
Dementia Awareness - following a very thought-provoking presentation to the Board on the symptoms suffered by dementia sufferers trying to lead a normal life the Association registered with the Alzheimer’s Society and has committed to carrying out a programme of measures to make the Community Hall ‘dementia friendly’.
Defibrillator – the Association continues to ‘host’ one of the Community Council’s defibrillators and it has been agreed that it would be timely to organise refresher courses in their use. These sessions will be arranged by EWCC and the Board and held in the hall during the early part of the next annual session.
Hiring - At the conclusion of yet another year during which Trustees worked very hard to rejuvenate the level of hall hiring it can be reported that bookings are back to pre-Covid levels with several new hirers now patronising the hall. The ever-popular quizzes are strongly supported, and the bar is operating as normal.
A stronger rota system has been established to assist with running of the bar and a card reader has been purchased to make sales/accounting simpler.
EWCC has funded the installation of a ‘smart’ TV in bar with webcam and remote microphone which will enable the holding of remote or hybrid council meetings. This system is equally available for use by the Association and a TV licence has been obtained to allow maximum use of this facility.
Jubilee Park & Nature Trail
- JP&NT continues to mature very successfully in accordance with its management plan and has been subject of a huge amount of maintenance and several development projects through the efforts of the FOJP volunteers. It continues to be enjoyed widely by residents, holidaymakers and local schools and colleges.
- Additional new ‘green welly trails’ have been opened through the maturing woodland areas and are being enjoyed by more intrepid walkers.
- Large areas of blackthorn and bramble overgrowth have been cleared for the benefit of new plantings and to give better access for the public.
- Four new information boards are currently being designed to replace the badly deteriorated originals.
- The park continues to provide training facilities for Pembrokeshire College students as well as, this year, the charity ‘Future Works’. These symbiotic relationships provide much-needed support to the park’s own volunteer group.
- The newer extension to the park, designated ‘Hainey Moor’, has been placed on a ‘care and maintenance’ status pending availability of additional funding and resources.
The Association continues to work in close co-operation with its tenant, East Williamston Community Council on the maintenance and development of the park and the Board can report:
- Dog fouling continues to be a problem. EWCC has posted several signs throughout the park warning inconsiderate dog owners of the penalties for failure to clear dog fouling. It is considered that the problem peaks significantly during summer when holiday-maker numbers increase.
- Reports of dogs escaping from the park onto adjacent farmland and worrying stock has prompted the posting of warning signage around the relevant boundary.
- The ever-increasing footfall in the park has highlighted the inadequacy of car parking. EWCC has recently approved a budget for the extension of the existing carpark on the common. This work should be completed during the summer.
- The Council is still considering the risk posed to its woodland by ash die-back disease. It shall be continuing surveys on park trees throughout the next growing season. Several mature ash trees have, sadly had to be felled for safety reasons.
Again, the Board wishes to recognise the vital assistance of East Williamston Community Council which continues to make available an annual grant of £2,000 for the contracting out of maintenance activities which prove to be too onerous for the volunteer group.
- It can again be reported that the community allotments continue to develop and flourish with only a small natural turnover in tenancy. There are currently no vacant plots. The allotments continued to provide a useful regular contribution to the Association funds.
- The Board is very pleased to note that one of its new appointees has agreed to act as ‘Liaison’ with the Allotment Association.
- The Association has secured a grant, on behalf of the Allotment Association, from the ‘Enhancing Pembrokeshire Grant’ which has enabled purchase of equipment suited to the specific maintenance needs of the allotment field infrastructure.
- It can be seen from the (separate) Hon. Treasurer’s Report that the Association finances, despite initially weathering the challenges of Covid quite well are now feeling the effects of inflation and rising energy costs. To turn around the income and expenditure account deficit the Trustees will face a difficult task which will potentially require cutting of costs, where possible, whilst increasing sales.
- The Association website proves to be a great and continuing success with a huge number of reported hits every month seeking information about the Hall and Park and directions to same.
In conclusion - The Association has, to some extent, become the victim of its own success. The rapid development of Jubilee Park, Community Allotments and Hall always threatens to outstrip its ability to manage them from existing volunteer resources. Additional active membership is still urgently needed – particularly from the younger end of the age profile!
As always, the Board thanks the Association’s many supporters, volunteers, and helpers for their keen interest and dedicated support through the year and hopes and trusts that it can be relied upon in the future.
‘Nous Servons’
Signed for and on behalf of East Williamston Community & Hall Association by:
Doug McIntosh
Chair, Board of Trustees - EWC&HA
Date: 5th June 2023