Charity No. 1168964
Meeting of Trustees held on Monday 07 October 2024
In the Community Hall
Doug McIntosh (chair), Ian Wilkinson (vice-chair), Tony Ensom (secretary), Kathy Talbot (treasurer), Julie Burgess, Amanda Cresswell, Gwyneth Beynon, Tracy Beynon, Jill Ensom, Theresa Painting, Pete Strydom, Mark Taylor, Jill Thomas and Cliff Williams.
Sian Beynon and Jenny Oliver.
The minutes of the meeting held on 02 September 2024, which had been circulated previously, were approved and signed by Doug.
Treasurer’s Report:
The following report from Kathy had been circulated before the meeting:
At the end of September our bank balance was £10,667 and we have £398 in cash. Despite the belief that we are a 'cashless society', it is not the case and much of our revenue is in cash. I note that local businesses now prefer cash because of the cost of bank charges. Our SumUp card reader we purchased outright and it charges 1.66% per transaction. The final amount for Preseli Pete was an income of £1,008 after paying the band. This is not 'profit' as it includes the gross takings for the bar of £562; we are not in a position to give the net takings for the bar. The raffle yielded £256.
During the month we have paid our bar licence to PCC, £180 and had the fire alarms and extinguishers checked, £160. There are some issues requiring attention relating to both alarms and lighting. I have forwarded copies to Doug and will put the reports with the Insurance file.
We've set up 'Easy Fundraising' and have raised all of £10!! I would encourage you please if you're shopping on-line to sign up.
Julie and I have started work on the budget for 2025. While it will be for the Association as a whole it will be calculated based on the Hall, the Allotments and Hainey Moor. A review of the current and previous years' figures will give a good indication of planned expenditure. If any funding is required for the Jubilee Park it would be exceptional as EWCC cover the cost of maintenance. If any of the Trustees can forsee an unusual cost or repair/maintenance item likely to be required please let me know – with its cost if possible – so that we can build it into the budget and have prior agreement. With plenty of notice it may be possible to look for a grant to cover some of the cost.
Tracy reported that problems regarding late payment of rent from the Dancing Group are continuing. It was agreed that if, after Tracy has spoken to the group organiser again, there is no agreed procedure for prompt payment, the trustees will consider further action (such as charging interest on late payments or cancelling the booking).
Following a suggestion that people other than trustees could usefully be involved in organising events, Tony advised that, although under the constitution the trustees are ultimately responsible for managing the affairs of the Association, clause 18 allows them to delegate any functions to a committee, at least one member of which is a trustee. The trustees must determine the terms and conditions of any committee and it must report back to the trustees.
Association Records:
Tony and Kathy have in hand the disposal of the items from the Association’s records.
A Halloween family party along similar lines to last year has been arranged for Saturday 01 November in the Community Hall commencing at 6.00 pm. This will include a fancy-dress competition and party games. Entry is £5 per person.
It was agreed to put up the Christmas decorations in the Community Hall on Sunday 01 December.
Jubilee Park & Nature Trail:
Ian reported that the raised borders in the pollination area are almost finished and that pre-seeded turfs have been put down.
Kathy had previously circulated the following report:
As agreed at the last meeting I have been researching consultants who can give us guidance on the future of the Association. Although this is a slow process, I met with David Selwyn of Landsker Business Solutions. He visited both the land and the Community Hall which he saw as one potential package to attract commercial and well as ecology funders. I await his feed-back and likely cost for consultancy. I've confirmed with PCC/Enhancing Pembrokeshire that our grant application to cover this still stands. We've also had responses from PCNP offering advice and another consultancy, Pobl Tir Lan, will visit in November and prepare a proposal. We are in touch with West Wales Wildlife Trust who can offer us help regarding fauna and flora surveys.
Under both the Planning Permission and the Fields in Trust Deed of Dedication we are required to manage the Hainey Moor area as a nature reserve and therefore we must continue to carry out such work as is required to protect the current extensive work already done. The HM budget will be for this essential maintenance while we continue research for capital grant funding to complete the original plans and ensure we have on going revenue funding.
We have a good all-round product to offer which is attractive in the current climate of investing in 'Green' projects. While our Google figures show interest in the Jubilee Park, to confirm actual visitor numbers it is essential that infra-red 'counters' are placed on each of the gates. It may be possible to get some funding for these. This data will be essential in supporting grant applications and validate the continuing commitment of EWCC to Jubilee Park The hedges are being trimmed and Matthew Thomas is thanked for his generous work in cutting the grassed areas of HM. Julie and I had a walk round the other week – there is so much potential there. I am clarifying the public liability position and we will require documented risk assessments etc. When we have an outline of a potential strategic, sustainable future we can put an article in the Tenby Observer and on our social media to raise the profile. We're now taking active steps to build for the long term; to benefit the land, the Association and the Community. I will report back to the Trustees as we progress.
Kathy also suggested that any organisation looking for funding should visit the Pavs Funding Fair at The Queens Hall Narberth on Thursday 14 November.
Julie reported:
Community Hall:
Tracy reported that Callum from Communic8 was unable to attend this meeting but she will arrange for him to attend at some future meeting.
Gwyneth reported that she had ordered heating oil and had secured a discount in the price.
Doug agreed to contact OCON to clarify the requirements of their recent report.
Hall Bookings:
Tracy reported that dancing classes have recommenced together with the following bookings:
Quiz Nights:
Quizmasters have been booked through to March 2025.
Online Updates:
Tracy reported the statistics which are attached in an appendix to these minutes.
Hainey Moor:
Mark pointed out that there had been no agreement by the trustees to the cost of hedge cutting which had been carried out at Hainey Moor. Kathy accepted that the work had been done and paid for without approval and that this will be avoided in future by including costs associated with Hainey Moor in a draft budget for 2025 which she and Julie are preparing (as discussed in her treasurer’s report above). and which would be put to trustees for approval before the end of 2024. This would ensure that any future expenditure on Hainey Moor will be subject to trustees’ approval.
Next Meeting:
The next trustees’ meeting will be on 04 November 2024 at 7.00 pm.
On-line Up-dates
233 people visited the website in the last 30 days
444 page views in the last 30 days
The most popular page this month is the Jubilee Park
Facebook page
Best post on Facebook – Sharing - Pure West radio going onto DAB on 7th November
Facebook Group –
Broadmoor, Cold Inn, East Williamston, Moreton, Pentlepoir and Wooden –
528 members
Best post in the group – Someone asking for recommendations for a hedge cutter
Google - Jubilee Park and Nature Trail
198 interactions (likes etc)
64 people clicked through to our website.
134 people searched for directions to the park.
Google - East Williamston Community Hall
67 profile interactions
15 people clicked through to our website.
51 people searched for directions to the hall.
Doug McIntosh (chair), Ian Wilkinson (vice-chair), Tony Ensom (secretary), Kathy Talbot (treasurer), Julie Burgess, Amanda Cresswell, Gwyneth Beynon, Tracy Beynon, Jill Ensom, Theresa Painting, Pete Strydom, Mark Taylor, Jill Thomas and Cliff Williams.
Sian Beynon and Jenny Oliver.
The minutes of the meeting held on 02 September 2024, which had been circulated previously, were approved and signed by Doug.
Treasurer’s Report:
The following report from Kathy had been circulated before the meeting:
At the end of September our bank balance was £10,667 and we have £398 in cash. Despite the belief that we are a 'cashless society', it is not the case and much of our revenue is in cash. I note that local businesses now prefer cash because of the cost of bank charges. Our SumUp card reader we purchased outright and it charges 1.66% per transaction. The final amount for Preseli Pete was an income of £1,008 after paying the band. This is not 'profit' as it includes the gross takings for the bar of £562; we are not in a position to give the net takings for the bar. The raffle yielded £256.
During the month we have paid our bar licence to PCC, £180 and had the fire alarms and extinguishers checked, £160. There are some issues requiring attention relating to both alarms and lighting. I have forwarded copies to Doug and will put the reports with the Insurance file.
We've set up 'Easy Fundraising' and have raised all of £10!! I would encourage you please if you're shopping on-line to sign up.
Julie and I have started work on the budget for 2025. While it will be for the Association as a whole it will be calculated based on the Hall, the Allotments and Hainey Moor. A review of the current and previous years' figures will give a good indication of planned expenditure. If any funding is required for the Jubilee Park it would be exceptional as EWCC cover the cost of maintenance. If any of the Trustees can forsee an unusual cost or repair/maintenance item likely to be required please let me know – with its cost if possible – so that we can build it into the budget and have prior agreement. With plenty of notice it may be possible to look for a grant to cover some of the cost.
Tracy reported that problems regarding late payment of rent from the Dancing Group are continuing. It was agreed that if, after Tracy has spoken to the group organiser again, there is no agreed procedure for prompt payment, the trustees will consider further action (such as charging interest on late payments or cancelling the booking).
Following a suggestion that people other than trustees could usefully be involved in organising events, Tony advised that, although under the constitution the trustees are ultimately responsible for managing the affairs of the Association, clause 18 allows them to delegate any functions to a committee, at least one member of which is a trustee. The trustees must determine the terms and conditions of any committee and it must report back to the trustees.
Association Records:
Tony and Kathy have in hand the disposal of the items from the Association’s records.
A Halloween family party along similar lines to last year has been arranged for Saturday 01 November in the Community Hall commencing at 6.00 pm. This will include a fancy-dress competition and party games. Entry is £5 per person.
It was agreed to put up the Christmas decorations in the Community Hall on Sunday 01 December.
Jubilee Park & Nature Trail:
Ian reported that the raised borders in the pollination area are almost finished and that pre-seeded turfs have been put down.
Kathy had previously circulated the following report:
As agreed at the last meeting I have been researching consultants who can give us guidance on the future of the Association. Although this is a slow process, I met with David Selwyn of Landsker Business Solutions. He visited both the land and the Community Hall which he saw as one potential package to attract commercial and well as ecology funders. I await his feed-back and likely cost for consultancy. I've confirmed with PCC/Enhancing Pembrokeshire that our grant application to cover this still stands. We've also had responses from PCNP offering advice and another consultancy, Pobl Tir Lan, will visit in November and prepare a proposal. We are in touch with West Wales Wildlife Trust who can offer us help regarding fauna and flora surveys.
Under both the Planning Permission and the Fields in Trust Deed of Dedication we are required to manage the Hainey Moor area as a nature reserve and therefore we must continue to carry out such work as is required to protect the current extensive work already done. The HM budget will be for this essential maintenance while we continue research for capital grant funding to complete the original plans and ensure we have on going revenue funding.
We have a good all-round product to offer which is attractive in the current climate of investing in 'Green' projects. While our Google figures show interest in the Jubilee Park, to confirm actual visitor numbers it is essential that infra-red 'counters' are placed on each of the gates. It may be possible to get some funding for these. This data will be essential in supporting grant applications and validate the continuing commitment of EWCC to Jubilee Park The hedges are being trimmed and Matthew Thomas is thanked for his generous work in cutting the grassed areas of HM. Julie and I had a walk round the other week – there is so much potential there. I am clarifying the public liability position and we will require documented risk assessments etc. When we have an outline of a potential strategic, sustainable future we can put an article in the Tenby Observer and on our social media to raise the profile. We're now taking active steps to build for the long term; to benefit the land, the Association and the Community. I will report back to the Trustees as we progress.
Kathy also suggested that any organisation looking for funding should visit the Pavs Funding Fair at The Queens Hall Narberth on Thursday 14 November.
Julie reported:
- pot-holes have appeared in the entrance to the allotments,
- A post is broken and needs replacing, and
- The mower has broken.
Community Hall:
Tracy reported that Callum from Communic8 was unable to attend this meeting but she will arrange for him to attend at some future meeting.
Gwyneth reported that she had ordered heating oil and had secured a discount in the price.
Doug agreed to contact OCON to clarify the requirements of their recent report.
Hall Bookings:
Tracy reported that dancing classes have recommenced together with the following bookings:
- Bowls social evening on 02 November (with bar)
- Pudding tasting evening on 15 November (with bar)
- Scouts’ annual sleepover on 06-07 December.
Quiz Nights:
Quizmasters have been booked through to March 2025.
Online Updates:
Tracy reported the statistics which are attached in an appendix to these minutes.
Hainey Moor:
Mark pointed out that there had been no agreement by the trustees to the cost of hedge cutting which had been carried out at Hainey Moor. Kathy accepted that the work had been done and paid for without approval and that this will be avoided in future by including costs associated with Hainey Moor in a draft budget for 2025 which she and Julie are preparing (as discussed in her treasurer’s report above). and which would be put to trustees for approval before the end of 2024. This would ensure that any future expenditure on Hainey Moor will be subject to trustees’ approval.
Next Meeting:
The next trustees’ meeting will be on 04 November 2024 at 7.00 pm.
On-line Up-dates
233 people visited the website in the last 30 days
444 page views in the last 30 days
The most popular page this month is the Jubilee Park
Facebook page
Best post on Facebook – Sharing - Pure West radio going onto DAB on 7th November
Facebook Group –
Broadmoor, Cold Inn, East Williamston, Moreton, Pentlepoir and Wooden –
528 members
Best post in the group – Someone asking for recommendations for a hedge cutter
Google - Jubilee Park and Nature Trail
198 interactions (likes etc)
64 people clicked through to our website.
134 people searched for directions to the park.
Google - East Williamston Community Hall
67 profile interactions
15 people clicked through to our website.
51 people searched for directions to the hall.