Meeting of trustees held on Monday 13 May 2024
In the Community Hall
Doug McIntosh (chair), Ian Wilkinson (vice-chair), Tony Ensom (secretary), Kathy Talbot (treasurer), Jill Ensom, Julie Burgess, Gwyneth Beynon, Tracy Beynon, Jenny Oliver, Jill Thomas and Cliff Williams.
Amanda Cresswell, Mark Taylor and Sian Beynon.
The minutes of the meeting held on 08 April 2024, which had been circulated previously, were amended by an addendum and signed by Doug.
Treasurer’s Report:
The following report from Kathy had been circulated before the meeting:
It has been a quiet month with regular bookings and we have maintained a good balance on our reserves which stand at £9,131 and £300 in cash. The bar and quiz gave us an income of £619. EW Short Mat Bowls continue to be most important to us and paid rent this month of £382. We have at last had the fire extinguishers checked and 2 large ones replaced. Topping up the bar stock cost us £493, ready for the Bowls events! Bar and other events still are paid for in cash and this is paid into the bank account regularly.
Unfortunately, we have lost the regular Pilates class.
The CAF Bank offer an easy access deposit account paying at present 2.5% p.a. We average a balance of £9000 and I would recommend that we place about £7000 on deposit – it won't earn us a lot but it will be something. This would leave us with on average £2000 in hand. When we see larger bills, such as Insurance, we can ensure we draw back sufficient to meet the need.
I am attaching also the Treasurer's report and accounts for Annual General Meeting planned for 3rd June.
The trustees unanimously agreed that an easy access deposit account with CAF Bank should be opened in the name of the association.
The trustees were content that the Accounts for 2023 and the accompanying report from the treasurer should be put to the AGM in June.
Association Records:
Tony and Kathy will now proceed to dispose of the items from the Association’s records in the filing cabinet which they had recommended could be discarded as being out-of-date, no longer relevant or not of historical value. They will also arrange for documents which are held digitally to be saved.
Ian agreed to look for any documents relating to the purchase of Hainey Moor which he has kept and also any minutes prior to 2017.
Tony reported that he has now heard from all trustees and can go ahead to prepare a list of key holders for the Community Hall.
Tracy reported that “Preseli Pete and the Bluestone Boys” have been booked for Saturday 31 August 2024 commencing at 7.00 pm. Advertising is in place and tickets are now for sale.
Following the trustees’ proposal to increase the price for the Quiz Nights from £2 to £3 per person Tracy had ‘floated’ the idea at the April Quiz Night to gauge reaction which favourable. The increase will therefore be effective from the May Quiz.
Bingo has been booked for 22 June.
Jubilee Park & Nature Trail:
Ian reported that, due to the hard work carried out by volunteers during the winter, the Park is now in excellent order and has resulted, in particular, in a wonderful display of bluebells. He also pointed out that the wildflower meadow is showing promise with flowers now gaining dominance over the grass.
There is a stock of hedgerow plants and bulbs which need to be planted. Ian is looking for help with this. He and Doug also suggested seeking a volunteer to regularly look after the area around the bus shelter and the planters on the Common. Tracy agreed to seek volunteers for both through social media.
Ian reported that he had met with Owen Jones of the National Forest of Wales who had been impressed with Park and had suggested that Association should join the organisation which can provide useful advice. There is no cost involved. It was agreed that Ian should enrol the Association.
Tracy reported that she had produced up-dated maps of the Park digitally and would meet with Ian and Doug to finalise them.
Doug reported that the Community Council is investigating grants for replacing the information board on the Common.
The trustees had a wide-ranging discussion regarding the development of Hainey Moor and the future maintenance of both Hainey Moor and the Jubilee Park. Suggestions included partnerships with other organisations, employing (by way of a grant) a community fund-raiser and sources of grants. It was also suggested that the community could be made aware of the “story” of Hainey Moor and the Association’s possible plans for its future as a community asset. It was agreed that Tracy, with the help of Ian and Doug, would put something together.
Following some dissatisfaction regarding the allocation of a vacated plot to an existing tenant it was decided that the Association should have a clear and transparent policy for the allocation of plots on the allotments. This should include the number of plots which can be held by a tenant, how plots which become available are allocated, a minimum period before a tenant can be allocated more than one plot and other issues which need to be clear to both the trustees and the tenants. Julie agreed to produce a draft policy for approval. It was also agreed that Julie’s role in liaising between the tenants and the trustees should be properly recognised and implemented.
It was agreed that the signs for the allotments should be erected.
Community Hall:
As agreed, Tracy had reviewed the Association’s Policy Documents to ensure they are up to date. She reported that the Association is now required to recycle waste wherever possible. It was agreed that suitable bins should be purchased.
Tracy has received some information regarding a new sound system but is still investigating.
It was agreed to employ a window cleaner for the Hall. Tony or Doug to see if their cleaner would be interested.
Gwyneth reported that the carpet tile floor covering behind the bar is badly worn and it was agreed that it should be replaced with sheet vinyl.
She also reported that the fence along the side of the hall is leaning over and that trees are overgrown. She will contact Lee Brooks who is responsible for the adjoining land.
It was agreed that a box for donations could be positioned in the bar.
Hall Bookings:
Tracy reported that there had been a tea today following Lindsey Moran’s funeral and that Pilates classes have now ended.
Quiz Nights:
Tracy reported that quizmasters have been arranged for the remainder of this year.
It was agreed that, in future, bowls of peanuts will not be provided on tables, but will be available for purchase at the bar.
100 Club:
Kathy had circulated a note regarding the proposed 100 Club before the meeting. It was agreed that she should proceed to make all the necessary arrangements and that it should be publicised at the AGM and the next few Quiz Nights as well as on social media.
Social Media:
Tracy reported the statistics which are attached in an appendix to these minutes.
Tony will produce the notice of the AGM on 03 June and forward it to Tracy and Kathy for publication on social media and the community notice boards respectively.
Kathy reported that she is hoping the Community Police Officer will give a short talk following the AGM but this has not been confirmed.
Any Other Business:
Jill Thomas was asked to pass on the trustees thanks to Matthew for the excellent flower boxes outside the Hall.
Tracy reported that the Welsh Council of Voluntary Organisations is holding a meeting in Cardiff on 05 June
Next Meeting:
The next meeting will be on Monday 03 June 2024 following the AGM.
Appendix 1
221 people visited the website ion the last 30 days
517 pages viewed in the last 30 days
Most popular page this month again is the events page
Facebook page
Best post on Facebook – Information on the Fflecsi Bws in our area
Facebook group –
Broadmoor, Cold Inn, East Williamston, Moreton, Pentlepoir and Wooden – 477 members
Best post in the group – Post about a possible stray cat in East Williamston
Google - Jubilee Park and Nature Trail
149 interactions (likes etc)
64 people clicked through to our website.
85 people searched for directions to the park.
Google - East Williamston Community Hall
45 profile interactions
8 people clicked through to our website.
37 people searched for directions to the hall.
Doug McIntosh (chair), Ian Wilkinson (vice-chair), Tony Ensom (secretary), Kathy Talbot (treasurer), Jill Ensom, Julie Burgess, Gwyneth Beynon, Tracy Beynon, Jenny Oliver, Jill Thomas and Cliff Williams.
Amanda Cresswell, Mark Taylor and Sian Beynon.
The minutes of the meeting held on 08 April 2024, which had been circulated previously, were amended by an addendum and signed by Doug.
Treasurer’s Report:
The following report from Kathy had been circulated before the meeting:
It has been a quiet month with regular bookings and we have maintained a good balance on our reserves which stand at £9,131 and £300 in cash. The bar and quiz gave us an income of £619. EW Short Mat Bowls continue to be most important to us and paid rent this month of £382. We have at last had the fire extinguishers checked and 2 large ones replaced. Topping up the bar stock cost us £493, ready for the Bowls events! Bar and other events still are paid for in cash and this is paid into the bank account regularly.
Unfortunately, we have lost the regular Pilates class.
The CAF Bank offer an easy access deposit account paying at present 2.5% p.a. We average a balance of £9000 and I would recommend that we place about £7000 on deposit – it won't earn us a lot but it will be something. This would leave us with on average £2000 in hand. When we see larger bills, such as Insurance, we can ensure we draw back sufficient to meet the need.
I am attaching also the Treasurer's report and accounts for Annual General Meeting planned for 3rd June.
The trustees unanimously agreed that an easy access deposit account with CAF Bank should be opened in the name of the association.
The trustees were content that the Accounts for 2023 and the accompanying report from the treasurer should be put to the AGM in June.
Association Records:
Tony and Kathy will now proceed to dispose of the items from the Association’s records in the filing cabinet which they had recommended could be discarded as being out-of-date, no longer relevant or not of historical value. They will also arrange for documents which are held digitally to be saved.
Ian agreed to look for any documents relating to the purchase of Hainey Moor which he has kept and also any minutes prior to 2017.
Tony reported that he has now heard from all trustees and can go ahead to prepare a list of key holders for the Community Hall.
Tracy reported that “Preseli Pete and the Bluestone Boys” have been booked for Saturday 31 August 2024 commencing at 7.00 pm. Advertising is in place and tickets are now for sale.
Following the trustees’ proposal to increase the price for the Quiz Nights from £2 to £3 per person Tracy had ‘floated’ the idea at the April Quiz Night to gauge reaction which favourable. The increase will therefore be effective from the May Quiz.
Bingo has been booked for 22 June.
Jubilee Park & Nature Trail:
Ian reported that, due to the hard work carried out by volunteers during the winter, the Park is now in excellent order and has resulted, in particular, in a wonderful display of bluebells. He also pointed out that the wildflower meadow is showing promise with flowers now gaining dominance over the grass.
There is a stock of hedgerow plants and bulbs which need to be planted. Ian is looking for help with this. He and Doug also suggested seeking a volunteer to regularly look after the area around the bus shelter and the planters on the Common. Tracy agreed to seek volunteers for both through social media.
Ian reported that he had met with Owen Jones of the National Forest of Wales who had been impressed with Park and had suggested that Association should join the organisation which can provide useful advice. There is no cost involved. It was agreed that Ian should enrol the Association.
Tracy reported that she had produced up-dated maps of the Park digitally and would meet with Ian and Doug to finalise them.
Doug reported that the Community Council is investigating grants for replacing the information board on the Common.
The trustees had a wide-ranging discussion regarding the development of Hainey Moor and the future maintenance of both Hainey Moor and the Jubilee Park. Suggestions included partnerships with other organisations, employing (by way of a grant) a community fund-raiser and sources of grants. It was also suggested that the community could be made aware of the “story” of Hainey Moor and the Association’s possible plans for its future as a community asset. It was agreed that Tracy, with the help of Ian and Doug, would put something together.
Following some dissatisfaction regarding the allocation of a vacated plot to an existing tenant it was decided that the Association should have a clear and transparent policy for the allocation of plots on the allotments. This should include the number of plots which can be held by a tenant, how plots which become available are allocated, a minimum period before a tenant can be allocated more than one plot and other issues which need to be clear to both the trustees and the tenants. Julie agreed to produce a draft policy for approval. It was also agreed that Julie’s role in liaising between the tenants and the trustees should be properly recognised and implemented.
It was agreed that the signs for the allotments should be erected.
Community Hall:
As agreed, Tracy had reviewed the Association’s Policy Documents to ensure they are up to date. She reported that the Association is now required to recycle waste wherever possible. It was agreed that suitable bins should be purchased.
Tracy has received some information regarding a new sound system but is still investigating.
It was agreed to employ a window cleaner for the Hall. Tony or Doug to see if their cleaner would be interested.
Gwyneth reported that the carpet tile floor covering behind the bar is badly worn and it was agreed that it should be replaced with sheet vinyl.
She also reported that the fence along the side of the hall is leaning over and that trees are overgrown. She will contact Lee Brooks who is responsible for the adjoining land.
It was agreed that a box for donations could be positioned in the bar.
Hall Bookings:
Tracy reported that there had been a tea today following Lindsey Moran’s funeral and that Pilates classes have now ended.
Quiz Nights:
Tracy reported that quizmasters have been arranged for the remainder of this year.
It was agreed that, in future, bowls of peanuts will not be provided on tables, but will be available for purchase at the bar.
100 Club:
Kathy had circulated a note regarding the proposed 100 Club before the meeting. It was agreed that she should proceed to make all the necessary arrangements and that it should be publicised at the AGM and the next few Quiz Nights as well as on social media.
Social Media:
Tracy reported the statistics which are attached in an appendix to these minutes.
Tony will produce the notice of the AGM on 03 June and forward it to Tracy and Kathy for publication on social media and the community notice boards respectively.
Kathy reported that she is hoping the Community Police Officer will give a short talk following the AGM but this has not been confirmed.
Any Other Business:
Jill Thomas was asked to pass on the trustees thanks to Matthew for the excellent flower boxes outside the Hall.
Tracy reported that the Welsh Council of Voluntary Organisations is holding a meeting in Cardiff on 05 June
Next Meeting:
The next meeting will be on Monday 03 June 2024 following the AGM.
Appendix 1
221 people visited the website ion the last 30 days
517 pages viewed in the last 30 days
Most popular page this month again is the events page
Facebook page
Best post on Facebook – Information on the Fflecsi Bws in our area
Facebook group –
Broadmoor, Cold Inn, East Williamston, Moreton, Pentlepoir and Wooden – 477 members
Best post in the group – Post about a possible stray cat in East Williamston
Google - Jubilee Park and Nature Trail
149 interactions (likes etc)
64 people clicked through to our website.
85 people searched for directions to the park.
Google - East Williamston Community Hall
45 profile interactions
8 people clicked through to our website.
37 people searched for directions to the hall.