Minutes of the meeting of trustees held on Monday 3rd June 2024, in the community hall
Doug McIntosh (chair), Ian Wilkinson (vice-chair), Tony Ensom (secretary), Kathy Talbot (treasurer), Amanda Cresswell, Julie Burgess, Gwyneth Beynon, Sian Beynon, Tracy Beynon, Jill Ensom, Jenny Oliver, Mark Taylor, Jill Thomas and Cliff Williams.
The minutes of the meeting held on 13 May 2024, which had been circulated previously, were approved and signed by Doug.
Nominated Charity Trustee:
On 20 May 2024 the Secretary received notification from Doug McIntosh that East Williamston Community Council had nominated Councillor Pete Strydom as a trustee of the Association in accordance with clause 13(2)(a) of the Association’s Constitution. In accordance with clause 13(2)(d) the trustees considered this nomination and agreed to appoint Pete Strydom as a Nominated Charity Trustee for a period of three years.
Additional Trustee:
Mark Taylor reported that Theresa Painting had shown an interest in becoming a trustee. This will be discussed at the next meeting.
Treasurer’s Report:
The following report from Kathy had been circulated before the meeting:
Our reserves at the end of May stand at £10384 and £564 in cash. During the month one of our users who had been slow to pay settled her account and continues to use the hall, paying regularly. Unfortunately, the Pilates class has finished. The Quiz was quieter than previously and yielded just £210.90 (plus SumUp - £27.73). Lyndsey Moran's funeral tea gave us an income of £273, largely on the SumUp card.
Association Records:
Tony and Kathy have in hand the disposal of the items from the Association’s records in the filing cabinet which are to be discarded and arranging for documents which are held digitally to be saved.
Ian agreed to look for any documents relating to the purchase of Hainey Moor which he has kept and any minutes prior to 2017.
Tony confirmed that he had prepared a list of key holders for the Community Hall.
Tracy reported that, so far 11 tickets have been sold for the concert by “Preseli Pete and the Bluestone Boys” on 31 August 2024. It was agreed that everyone who attends on the night will need to purchase a ticket unless they have an allocated job to do on the evening.
Jubilee Park & Nature Trail:
Ian reported that maintenance of the Park is on-going.
Doug reported that the Community Council had been unable to agree to replace the information board on the Common. He agreed to raise the issue again at the next Community Council meeting and suggest that this could be done in cooperation with the Association.
Following the trustees’ wide-ranging discussion at their last meeting regarding the development and future of both the Jubilee Park and Hainey Moor, Kathy proposed that the Association submits an “expression of interest” to Pembrokeshire County Council for a grant from the Enhancing Pembrokeshire Grant Scheme to employ an Engagement Officer to attract new volunteers and groups with a view to ensuring the future management of the Park and consider how it could be developed further as a community asset. This was agreed.
It was also agreed that notices should be distributed throughout the Park to make users aware that it is maintained largely by volunteers and that more are needed.
Julie presented a draft Waiting List Policy for approval. A number of minor amendments were suggested including a suggestion that applicants from within the East Williamston Community should be given priority over those from outside. Julie and Kathy agreed to finalise the policy.
Julie reported that plots are being monitored and improvements are expected by the end of the month and that an Open Day is planned for September.
Community Hall:
Tracy reported that she had received a quotation for a new sound system, which was in excess of £7,800 plus a further £2,000 for maintenance. She agreed to obtain further quotations so that a grant application could be made.
Gwyneth reported that David Banfield has been employed to clean the Hall windows at an agreed price of £20 per visit.
Gwyneth reported that she had contacted Lee Brooks, the owner of the land adjoining the Hall and that he had agreed to us cutting the boundary hedge.
Hall Bookings:
Tracy reported:
100 Club:
Kathy had produced and invitation leaflet to join the proposed 100 Club which will be publicised on social media and at the Quiz and Bingo Nights to establish how much support we can anticipate.
Online Updates:
Tracy reported the statistics which are attached in an appendix to these minutes.
Planning Application:
It was reported that a notice from Pembrokeshire County Council had been received by the Association concerning a planning application relating to an adjoining property. It was agreed that no objection would be raised by the Association.
Any Other Business:
It was agreed that Mark, Julie, Sian and Tracy will be nominated as First Aiders for the Hall, and that training will be arranged for them through St Johns Ambulance.
Gwyneth agreed to check whether the Food Hygiene Certificates which she and Jill Thomas hold require up-dating.
Julie agreed to check whether there are any requirements for the allotments to have a First Aider, an Accident Record Book or any insurance.
Next Meeting:
The next trustees’ meeting will be on 01 July 2024 at 7.00 pm.
Online updates
248 people visited the website ion the last 30 days
493 pages viewed in the last 30 days
Most popular page this month again is the events page
Facebook page
Best post on Facebook – Preseli Pete event details.
Facebook group –
Broadmoor, Cold Inn, East Williamston, Moreton, Pentlepoir and Wooden – 485 members
Best post in the group – Post about a jumper left on the outside bench by a walker.
Google - Jubilee Park and Nature Trail
698 interactions (likes etc)
246 people clicked through to our website.
452 people searched for directions to the park.
Google - East Williamston Community Hall
66 profile interactions
8 people clicked through to our website.
54 people searched for directions to the hall.
Doug McIntosh (chair), Ian Wilkinson (vice-chair), Tony Ensom (secretary), Kathy Talbot (treasurer), Amanda Cresswell, Julie Burgess, Gwyneth Beynon, Sian Beynon, Tracy Beynon, Jill Ensom, Jenny Oliver, Mark Taylor, Jill Thomas and Cliff Williams.
The minutes of the meeting held on 13 May 2024, which had been circulated previously, were approved and signed by Doug.
Nominated Charity Trustee:
On 20 May 2024 the Secretary received notification from Doug McIntosh that East Williamston Community Council had nominated Councillor Pete Strydom as a trustee of the Association in accordance with clause 13(2)(a) of the Association’s Constitution. In accordance with clause 13(2)(d) the trustees considered this nomination and agreed to appoint Pete Strydom as a Nominated Charity Trustee for a period of three years.
Additional Trustee:
Mark Taylor reported that Theresa Painting had shown an interest in becoming a trustee. This will be discussed at the next meeting.
Treasurer’s Report:
The following report from Kathy had been circulated before the meeting:
Our reserves at the end of May stand at £10384 and £564 in cash. During the month one of our users who had been slow to pay settled her account and continues to use the hall, paying regularly. Unfortunately, the Pilates class has finished. The Quiz was quieter than previously and yielded just £210.90 (plus SumUp - £27.73). Lyndsey Moran's funeral tea gave us an income of £273, largely on the SumUp card.
Association Records:
Tony and Kathy have in hand the disposal of the items from the Association’s records in the filing cabinet which are to be discarded and arranging for documents which are held digitally to be saved.
Ian agreed to look for any documents relating to the purchase of Hainey Moor which he has kept and any minutes prior to 2017.
Tony confirmed that he had prepared a list of key holders for the Community Hall.
Tracy reported that, so far 11 tickets have been sold for the concert by “Preseli Pete and the Bluestone Boys” on 31 August 2024. It was agreed that everyone who attends on the night will need to purchase a ticket unless they have an allocated job to do on the evening.
Jubilee Park & Nature Trail:
Ian reported that maintenance of the Park is on-going.
Doug reported that the Community Council had been unable to agree to replace the information board on the Common. He agreed to raise the issue again at the next Community Council meeting and suggest that this could be done in cooperation with the Association.
Following the trustees’ wide-ranging discussion at their last meeting regarding the development and future of both the Jubilee Park and Hainey Moor, Kathy proposed that the Association submits an “expression of interest” to Pembrokeshire County Council for a grant from the Enhancing Pembrokeshire Grant Scheme to employ an Engagement Officer to attract new volunteers and groups with a view to ensuring the future management of the Park and consider how it could be developed further as a community asset. This was agreed.
It was also agreed that notices should be distributed throughout the Park to make users aware that it is maintained largely by volunteers and that more are needed.
Julie presented a draft Waiting List Policy for approval. A number of minor amendments were suggested including a suggestion that applicants from within the East Williamston Community should be given priority over those from outside. Julie and Kathy agreed to finalise the policy.
Julie reported that plots are being monitored and improvements are expected by the end of the month and that an Open Day is planned for September.
Community Hall:
Tracy reported that she had received a quotation for a new sound system, which was in excess of £7,800 plus a further £2,000 for maintenance. She agreed to obtain further quotations so that a grant application could be made.
Gwyneth reported that David Banfield has been employed to clean the Hall windows at an agreed price of £20 per visit.
Gwyneth reported that she had contacted Lee Brooks, the owner of the land adjoining the Hall and that he had agreed to us cutting the boundary hedge.
Hall Bookings:
Tracy reported:
- Bella Voce will be using the hall for a practice session on 14 June.
- The next Bingo Evening will be on 22 June when the caller will be Gary.
- The church is holding an afternoon tea in the hall on 30 June.
- The hall has been booked for General Election voting on 04 July all day. All hirers have been informed to cancel their sessions that day.
100 Club:
Kathy had produced and invitation leaflet to join the proposed 100 Club which will be publicised on social media and at the Quiz and Bingo Nights to establish how much support we can anticipate.
Online Updates:
Tracy reported the statistics which are attached in an appendix to these minutes.
Planning Application:
It was reported that a notice from Pembrokeshire County Council had been received by the Association concerning a planning application relating to an adjoining property. It was agreed that no objection would be raised by the Association.
Any Other Business:
It was agreed that Mark, Julie, Sian and Tracy will be nominated as First Aiders for the Hall, and that training will be arranged for them through St Johns Ambulance.
Gwyneth agreed to check whether the Food Hygiene Certificates which she and Jill Thomas hold require up-dating.
Julie agreed to check whether there are any requirements for the allotments to have a First Aider, an Accident Record Book or any insurance.
Next Meeting:
The next trustees’ meeting will be on 01 July 2024 at 7.00 pm.
Online updates
248 people visited the website ion the last 30 days
493 pages viewed in the last 30 days
Most popular page this month again is the events page
Facebook page
Best post on Facebook – Preseli Pete event details.
Facebook group –
Broadmoor, Cold Inn, East Williamston, Moreton, Pentlepoir and Wooden – 485 members
Best post in the group – Post about a jumper left on the outside bench by a walker.
Google - Jubilee Park and Nature Trail
698 interactions (likes etc)
246 people clicked through to our website.
452 people searched for directions to the park.
Google - East Williamston Community Hall
66 profile interactions
8 people clicked through to our website.
54 people searched for directions to the hall.