Charity No. 1168964
Meeting of Trustees held on Monday 2nd December 2024
In the Community Hall
Tracy Beynon (Chair), Kathy Talbot (Treasurer), Tony Ensom, Julie Burgess, Gwyneth Beynon, Sian Beynon, Jill Ensom, Jenny Oliver, Jill Thomas and Cliff Williams.
Mandy Cresswell, Theresa Painting and Mark Taylor.
The minutes of the meeting held on 04 November 2024, which had been circulated previously, were approved and signed by Tracy.
Treasurer’s Monthly Report:
The following report from Kathy had been circulated before the meeting:
As ever our bank balance remains stable at £10,510 with £280in cash. It seems the best thing we can do is encourage the Church to hold Pudding events as the bar was really busy! It is evident that events or bookings that include the bar bring in good revenues . As Sian will be retiring from serving in the bar we must ensure that we all share in joining a rota to meet all bookings as well as the Quiz and Bingo. For myself, it's not too difficult with a little training and the customers I have found are all friendly. For expenses outside the norm we've had the windows cleaned, £20 and paid for our PCC lottery licence £20 this month.
On the resignation of Doug and Ian, and Tony's retirement, I have prepared the new bank mandate to show signatories as myself, Sian, Tracy and Theresa. Tracy and I will be able to authorise online payments.
After several phone calls etc I have renewed our electricity contract with EDF at 60p daily charge (current 25p) and 28p per kilowatt hour (current 24p) held for 3 years. This is a considerable uplift on our current 3-year contract which ends on 31 January 2025. These costs are comparable with other suppliers.
Tracy and I attended the PAVS AGM and Funding Fair at the Queens Hall, Narberth on 14th November. It was evident that there were fewer 'stalls' than in previous years. MHPA and Bluestone may be able to help and it may benefit us to put some of our cash balance with the Unity Trust Bank as in 2024 they have made grants to current and savings account holders of up to £5000.
Budget 2025:
Prior to the meeting, Kathy had circulated a draft budget for review by trustees. She pointed to the forecast of a loss for 2025, which is not a sustainable position. She urged trustees to jointly find ways to avoid this by holding events and maximising hall bookings.
As he had apologised for the meeting Mark had sent an email expressing his view that with the budget predicting a £1,600 shortfall in 2025 then spending £500 every year on Hainey Moor was not justifiable. He was also of the opinion that the hall could not stay open unless drastic action is not put in place to involve more people both inside and outside the community being involved in the running of the hall.
Kathy reminded the trustees that the £500 in the budget for Hainey Moor is only a budget and is subject to quotations. She stated that both the planning consent and Deed of Dedication for Hainey Moor and the conditions of the Association’s membership of the National Forest for Wales requires the Association to maintain it. However, she agreed to investigate whether it would be necessary to cut the hedges every year.
Among the suggestions from trustees to increase income, it was agreed that “Easyfundraising” should be promoted more and that a donation box in the park should be investigated.
Following this discussion the trustees present unanimously agreed the budget.
Bar Prices 2025:
Prior to the meeting, Kathy had circulated a list of recommended bar price increases.
As he had apologised for the meeting Mark had sent an email expressing his view that there should not be an increase in prices.
As she had apologised for the meeting Mandy had sent an email expressing her view that the suggested increases were too high and suggesting that, as the regular Quiz Nights produce substantial proportion of the Association’s income, the increase in the entry fee for these events which had previously been agreed should not be put into effect.
As she had apologised for the meeting Theresa had sent an email expressing her view that any increase in bar prices should be limited to a maximum of 5% and that the entry fee for Quiz Nights should remain as at present.
Following further discussion, the trustees present unanimously agreed to the proposed increases in bar prices. However, they also agreed that the entry fee for the Quiz Nights should remain at the present £2.00 per person.
Allotment Rentals:
Kathy proposed that, as from 01 March 2025, the rent for each allotment plot should be increased to £35 per annum for any allotment holder under the age of 75. It will remain the same for all allotment holder over 75.
This was agreed.
Trustee Recruitment:
It was agreed that, although the number of trustees had fallen below the maximum allowed under the constitution, there is no urgent need to replace those who had resigned. However, it was agreed that efforts should be made to recruit volunteers to assist the Association with events etc.
It was agreed that Tracy would set up a friends of EWCHA WhatsApp group so that people who would like to help but do not want to be on a committee could eb kept up to date on events and what is happening with the association.
Community Hall:
Tony reported that the keys to the Hall, etc. which he and Doug had been holding had been returned to Theresa who will arrange to amend the List of Key Holders.
Gwyneth reported that she will be organising sheet vinyl flooring for the area behind the bar and that the annual maintenance of the boiler is due.
Hall Bookings:
Tracy reported the following bookings:
· Scouts booked for their annual sleepover on 6-7th December (5pm on 6th to 9am on 7th)
Prior to the meeting, Julie had circulated a proposed revised Tenancy Agreement and Conditions for use from 01 March 2025.
This was agreed.
Jubilee Park & Nature Trail and Hainey Moor:
Prior to the meeting, Tony had circulated details of the Association’s membership of the national Forest of Wales. This was noted.
Tony confirmed that he had requested Pembrokeshire County Council to deliver the pipework which they had previously agreed to provide in order that the drain in Hainey Moor can be extended.
Prior to the meeting Kathy had circulated an up-date on the work she and Julie have been doing in connection with the future of the Jubilee Park and Nature Trail, Hainey Moor and the Community Hall. This was noted.
The Neyland Ladies Choir has offered to provide entertainment for a “Choir and Cawl” evening in the Community Hall on 01 March 2025
Prior to the meeting Tony had circulated details of ideas for celebrating VE Day on 08 May 2025. It was agreed to take this forward.
Quiz Nights:
Quizmasters have been booked well into 2025.
Online Updates:
Tracy reported the statistics which are attached in an appendix to these minutes.
Next Meeting:
The next trustees’ meeting will be on 06 January 2025 at 7.00 pm.
On-line Up-dates
157 people visited the website in the last 30 days
281 page views in the last 30 days
Facebook page 360 followers
Best post on Facebook – update on electricity problem in East Williamston
Facebook Group –Broadmoor, Cold Inn, East Williamston, Moreton, Pentlepoir and Wooden –
542 members
Best post in the group – Missing cat
Google - Jubilee Park and Nature Trail87 interactions (likes etc)
34 people clicked through to our website.
53 people searched for directions to the park.
Google - East Williamston Community Hall72 profile interactions
10 people clicked through to our website.
62 people searched for directions to the hall.
Tracy Beynon (Chair), Kathy Talbot (Treasurer), Tony Ensom, Julie Burgess, Gwyneth Beynon, Sian Beynon, Jill Ensom, Jenny Oliver, Jill Thomas and Cliff Williams.
Mandy Cresswell, Theresa Painting and Mark Taylor.
The minutes of the meeting held on 04 November 2024, which had been circulated previously, were approved and signed by Tracy.
Treasurer’s Monthly Report:
The following report from Kathy had been circulated before the meeting:
As ever our bank balance remains stable at £10,510 with £280in cash. It seems the best thing we can do is encourage the Church to hold Pudding events as the bar was really busy! It is evident that events or bookings that include the bar bring in good revenues . As Sian will be retiring from serving in the bar we must ensure that we all share in joining a rota to meet all bookings as well as the Quiz and Bingo. For myself, it's not too difficult with a little training and the customers I have found are all friendly. For expenses outside the norm we've had the windows cleaned, £20 and paid for our PCC lottery licence £20 this month.
On the resignation of Doug and Ian, and Tony's retirement, I have prepared the new bank mandate to show signatories as myself, Sian, Tracy and Theresa. Tracy and I will be able to authorise online payments.
After several phone calls etc I have renewed our electricity contract with EDF at 60p daily charge (current 25p) and 28p per kilowatt hour (current 24p) held for 3 years. This is a considerable uplift on our current 3-year contract which ends on 31 January 2025. These costs are comparable with other suppliers.
Tracy and I attended the PAVS AGM and Funding Fair at the Queens Hall, Narberth on 14th November. It was evident that there were fewer 'stalls' than in previous years. MHPA and Bluestone may be able to help and it may benefit us to put some of our cash balance with the Unity Trust Bank as in 2024 they have made grants to current and savings account holders of up to £5000.
Budget 2025:
Prior to the meeting, Kathy had circulated a draft budget for review by trustees. She pointed to the forecast of a loss for 2025, which is not a sustainable position. She urged trustees to jointly find ways to avoid this by holding events and maximising hall bookings.
As he had apologised for the meeting Mark had sent an email expressing his view that with the budget predicting a £1,600 shortfall in 2025 then spending £500 every year on Hainey Moor was not justifiable. He was also of the opinion that the hall could not stay open unless drastic action is not put in place to involve more people both inside and outside the community being involved in the running of the hall.
Kathy reminded the trustees that the £500 in the budget for Hainey Moor is only a budget and is subject to quotations. She stated that both the planning consent and Deed of Dedication for Hainey Moor and the conditions of the Association’s membership of the National Forest for Wales requires the Association to maintain it. However, she agreed to investigate whether it would be necessary to cut the hedges every year.
Among the suggestions from trustees to increase income, it was agreed that “Easyfundraising” should be promoted more and that a donation box in the park should be investigated.
Following this discussion the trustees present unanimously agreed the budget.
Bar Prices 2025:
Prior to the meeting, Kathy had circulated a list of recommended bar price increases.
As he had apologised for the meeting Mark had sent an email expressing his view that there should not be an increase in prices.
As she had apologised for the meeting Mandy had sent an email expressing her view that the suggested increases were too high and suggesting that, as the regular Quiz Nights produce substantial proportion of the Association’s income, the increase in the entry fee for these events which had previously been agreed should not be put into effect.
As she had apologised for the meeting Theresa had sent an email expressing her view that any increase in bar prices should be limited to a maximum of 5% and that the entry fee for Quiz Nights should remain as at present.
Following further discussion, the trustees present unanimously agreed to the proposed increases in bar prices. However, they also agreed that the entry fee for the Quiz Nights should remain at the present £2.00 per person.
Allotment Rentals:
Kathy proposed that, as from 01 March 2025, the rent for each allotment plot should be increased to £35 per annum for any allotment holder under the age of 75. It will remain the same for all allotment holder over 75.
This was agreed.
Trustee Recruitment:
It was agreed that, although the number of trustees had fallen below the maximum allowed under the constitution, there is no urgent need to replace those who had resigned. However, it was agreed that efforts should be made to recruit volunteers to assist the Association with events etc.
It was agreed that Tracy would set up a friends of EWCHA WhatsApp group so that people who would like to help but do not want to be on a committee could eb kept up to date on events and what is happening with the association.
Community Hall:
Tony reported that the keys to the Hall, etc. which he and Doug had been holding had been returned to Theresa who will arrange to amend the List of Key Holders.
Gwyneth reported that she will be organising sheet vinyl flooring for the area behind the bar and that the annual maintenance of the boiler is due.
Hall Bookings:
Tracy reported the following bookings:
· Scouts booked for their annual sleepover on 6-7th December (5pm on 6th to 9am on 7th)
- Children’s party on 7th December
- Choir and Cawl evening Saturday 1st March 2025 – Neyland Ladies choir as entertainment
- Children’s party 8th March 2025 10.30 am – 2.30 pm
- 30th Birthday party booking for 30th August 2025
Prior to the meeting, Julie had circulated a proposed revised Tenancy Agreement and Conditions for use from 01 March 2025.
This was agreed.
Jubilee Park & Nature Trail and Hainey Moor:
Prior to the meeting, Tony had circulated details of the Association’s membership of the national Forest of Wales. This was noted.
Tony confirmed that he had requested Pembrokeshire County Council to deliver the pipework which they had previously agreed to provide in order that the drain in Hainey Moor can be extended.
Prior to the meeting Kathy had circulated an up-date on the work she and Julie have been doing in connection with the future of the Jubilee Park and Nature Trail, Hainey Moor and the Community Hall. This was noted.
The Neyland Ladies Choir has offered to provide entertainment for a “Choir and Cawl” evening in the Community Hall on 01 March 2025
Prior to the meeting Tony had circulated details of ideas for celebrating VE Day on 08 May 2025. It was agreed to take this forward.
Quiz Nights:
Quizmasters have been booked well into 2025.
Online Updates:
Tracy reported the statistics which are attached in an appendix to these minutes.
Next Meeting:
The next trustees’ meeting will be on 06 January 2025 at 7.00 pm.
On-line Up-dates
157 people visited the website in the last 30 days
281 page views in the last 30 days
Facebook page 360 followers
Best post on Facebook – update on electricity problem in East Williamston
Facebook Group –Broadmoor, Cold Inn, East Williamston, Moreton, Pentlepoir and Wooden –
542 members
Best post in the group – Missing cat
Google - Jubilee Park and Nature Trail87 interactions (likes etc)
34 people clicked through to our website.
53 people searched for directions to the park.
Google - East Williamston Community Hall72 profile interactions
10 people clicked through to our website.
62 people searched for directions to the hall.