Meeting of Trustees held on Monday 08 April 2024
In the Community Hall
Tony Ensom (secretary), Kathy Talbot (treasurer), Jill Ensom, Julie Burgess, Amanda Cresswell, Gwyneth Beynon, Tracy Beynon, Jenny Oliver, Mark Taylor and Jill Thomas and Cliff Williams.
Doug McIntosh (chair), Ian Wilkinson (vice-chair) and Sian Beynon.
Meeting Chair:
In the absence of both Doug and Ian, it was agreed that Tony should chair the meeting.
The minutes of the meeting held on 04 March 2024, which had been circulated previously, were agreed and signed by Tony.
Treasurer’s Report:
The following report from Kathy had been circulated before the meeting:
The current balance in the bank is £8,837.74. This drop from last month reflects the payment of the annual insurance premium of £1,115.08 and a refill of the oil tank for £503.87. The Bingo night gave an income of £571, and Tracy is to be congratulated for organising this – and the hard work also put in at the bar. The quiz this month gave £313 income. Providing the bar for the Church's Cawl evening on 1st March yielded £79.
We have renewed our TV licence. The monthly payment to Gwyneth is adjusted in line with the National Minimum wage which was increased from 1st April 2024. Peter Philips gave up his allotment as this has now been transferred to Gareth Owen and paid for.
Our solicitors, Lewis & Lewis, will be reimbursing us with £115 from some earlier work done on the land title.
We do not pay Council Tax as the Association is a Charity. We don't seem to have had a bill for a while, although PCC do usually send one and I am following up. I believe our rateable value is £4,800. With the strictures on PCC's finances, we should be aware that they may eventually withdraw both the discretionary and mandatory rebates.
Association Records:
Tony and Kathy have been through the filing cabinet which contains paper records of the Association’s activities. They listed all items and indicated what should be kept and what could be discarded as being out-of-date, no longer relevant or not of historical value. It was agreed that they should proceed to dispose of the items which are not to be kept.
They have also produced a list of documents which are held digitally, and which should be kept. It was agreed that hard copies of these documents should be stored in the filing cabinet but that digital versions are also saved. Tony, Kathy and Tracy are to action this.
It was agreed that a list of key holders for the Community Hall should be prepared.
Tracy reported that she had been in touch with a popular local band, “Preseli Pete and the Bluestone Boys” who would be willing to perform in the Community Hall as a fund-raising event. Their fee would be £350. They had offered a number of dates, and it was agreed to hold the event on Friday 30 August, that the ticket price would be £7.50, there will be a raffle and the bar will be open.
It was agreed to consider increasing the price for the Quiz Nights from £2 to £3 per person. Tracy agreed to ‘float’ the idea at the next quiz to gauge reaction.
Jubilee Park & Nature Trail:
Tracy had agreed to produce up-dated maps of the Park digitally but is awaiting details of what is required.
Kathy reported that grants are still available from PCC’s Enhancing Pembrokeshire Scheme and that an application could be made to replace the information board on the Common which is now in poor condition. Tracy agreed to review the Association’s Policy Documents to ensure they are up to date.
Tracy has produced an up-to-date map of East Williamston showing property names. These will be put up in the community information boards.
Julie reported that there has been some dissatisfaction regarding the allocation of a vacated plot to an existing tenant.
Community Hall:
Gwyneth reported that the heater under the wash basin in the Ladies Toilet has not worked for some time but that have been no complaints.
Tracy is awaiting details of a new sound system which, it was suggested, could be purchased with a grant from PCC’s Enhancing Pembrokeshire Scheme.
Hall Bookings:
The only new booking was by the Bowls Club for 27 April.
100 Club:
Kathy suggested that, as the Quiz Nights and other events have proved popular with the local population, it would be worth considering setting up a “100 Club” to raise funds. This was agreed and Kathy will produce more information.
Social Media:
Tracy reported the statistics which are attached in an appendix to these minutes.
Next Meeting:
The next meeting will be on Monday 06 May 2024 at 7.00 pm
Tony Ensom (secretary), Kathy Talbot (treasurer), Jill Ensom, Julie Burgess, Amanda Cresswell, Gwyneth Beynon, Tracy Beynon, Jenny Oliver, Mark Taylor and Jill Thomas and Cliff Williams.
Doug McIntosh (chair), Ian Wilkinson (vice-chair) and Sian Beynon.
Meeting Chair:
In the absence of both Doug and Ian, it was agreed that Tony should chair the meeting.
The minutes of the meeting held on 04 March 2024, which had been circulated previously, were agreed and signed by Tony.
Treasurer’s Report:
The following report from Kathy had been circulated before the meeting:
The current balance in the bank is £8,837.74. This drop from last month reflects the payment of the annual insurance premium of £1,115.08 and a refill of the oil tank for £503.87. The Bingo night gave an income of £571, and Tracy is to be congratulated for organising this – and the hard work also put in at the bar. The quiz this month gave £313 income. Providing the bar for the Church's Cawl evening on 1st March yielded £79.
We have renewed our TV licence. The monthly payment to Gwyneth is adjusted in line with the National Minimum wage which was increased from 1st April 2024. Peter Philips gave up his allotment as this has now been transferred to Gareth Owen and paid for.
Our solicitors, Lewis & Lewis, will be reimbursing us with £115 from some earlier work done on the land title.
We do not pay Council Tax as the Association is a Charity. We don't seem to have had a bill for a while, although PCC do usually send one and I am following up. I believe our rateable value is £4,800. With the strictures on PCC's finances, we should be aware that they may eventually withdraw both the discretionary and mandatory rebates.
Association Records:
Tony and Kathy have been through the filing cabinet which contains paper records of the Association’s activities. They listed all items and indicated what should be kept and what could be discarded as being out-of-date, no longer relevant or not of historical value. It was agreed that they should proceed to dispose of the items which are not to be kept.
They have also produced a list of documents which are held digitally, and which should be kept. It was agreed that hard copies of these documents should be stored in the filing cabinet but that digital versions are also saved. Tony, Kathy and Tracy are to action this.
It was agreed that a list of key holders for the Community Hall should be prepared.
Tracy reported that she had been in touch with a popular local band, “Preseli Pete and the Bluestone Boys” who would be willing to perform in the Community Hall as a fund-raising event. Their fee would be £350. They had offered a number of dates, and it was agreed to hold the event on Friday 30 August, that the ticket price would be £7.50, there will be a raffle and the bar will be open.
It was agreed to consider increasing the price for the Quiz Nights from £2 to £3 per person. Tracy agreed to ‘float’ the idea at the next quiz to gauge reaction.
Jubilee Park & Nature Trail:
Tracy had agreed to produce up-dated maps of the Park digitally but is awaiting details of what is required.
Kathy reported that grants are still available from PCC’s Enhancing Pembrokeshire Scheme and that an application could be made to replace the information board on the Common which is now in poor condition. Tracy agreed to review the Association’s Policy Documents to ensure they are up to date.
Tracy has produced an up-to-date map of East Williamston showing property names. These will be put up in the community information boards.
Julie reported that there has been some dissatisfaction regarding the allocation of a vacated plot to an existing tenant.
Community Hall:
Gwyneth reported that the heater under the wash basin in the Ladies Toilet has not worked for some time but that have been no complaints.
Tracy is awaiting details of a new sound system which, it was suggested, could be purchased with a grant from PCC’s Enhancing Pembrokeshire Scheme.
Hall Bookings:
The only new booking was by the Bowls Club for 27 April.
100 Club:
Kathy suggested that, as the Quiz Nights and other events have proved popular with the local population, it would be worth considering setting up a “100 Club” to raise funds. This was agreed and Kathy will produce more information.
Social Media:
Tracy reported the statistics which are attached in an appendix to these minutes.
Next Meeting:
The next meeting will be on Monday 06 May 2024 at 7.00 pm